
Sunday, November 17, 2024

2024 SRICF High Council

Another successful meeting for the High Council of the Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis has ended. I came into this weekend on the tail end of a work trip to Pennsylvania where I was able to attend a York Rite Unity Banquet in Harrisburg and then a Lodge meeting in Hershey.

Once I made it to Louisville, KY, we toured the Buffalo Trace Distillery in Frankfort, KY, and then spent the day catching up with friends and socializing with the Fratres and other guests.

The Opening Procession kicked off late morning on Friday and I had lunch with Fratres from Latin America. While an exemplification of the Grade of Zelator was performed, I prepared with my fellow officers for the Eighth Grade conferral. Friday night, I had the pleasure of serving as the presiding officer for the conferral of the Grade of Magister (VIII) on several worthy Fratres. This is my third time and I am still astonished to have been selected for this honor.

Friday night was filled with brotherhood and socializing. I finally made it to bed around 3am and got a few hours of sleep before the second day of the High Council kicked off. There were so many great presentations given by some learned men. We had the banquet for the Society on Saturday night where the Knight Grand Cross was awarded to the Chief Adept of Kentucky and Chief Adept of Ohio, both of whom have been instrumental in the success of the High Council meetings since it came to Louisville, KY.

Now, I'm on my way home just in time to get ready for my next adventure.

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