Training is almost done here in the South. It has been a time-consuming time and a trying time, but the fruits of these labors will soon come about and my unit will complete its mission over in Iraq, and come back to our loved ones..
We have been very fortunate to mostly train for our particular mission in Iraq instead of doing all the monotonous work some units have had to do down here. Some days were long, but we completed the tasks asked of us by our leadership. Days of rest are coming and this will complete a circle of my life, but now is not the time for that story.
I sit here on guard duty watching the minutes slowly fall away into history and see that my days here in the States are numbered, and my heart aches for it. The sun is setting on this chapter of my life, but I will have one last story to tell before it's through. And that, although, my heart aches to see this one end, it rejoices to know that new dawn approaches.