2020 has been a rough year for mankind. I'm ready to leave it behind and start fresh in 2021.
Thursday, December 31, 2020
Friday, December 25, 2020
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas and a Happy Holidays to all of my family, friends, Brothers, Companions, Sir Knights, Companion Knights, Fellows, Knights Companion, Cousins, Knights, and Fratres around the world.
Friday, December 18, 2020
Christmas Observance
The opening statement of the Grand Commander:
Sir Knights and guests, on this glorious occasion we commemorate the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. Emmanuel, “God with us”, is the consummate and foundational truth of the season. Scholars debate the actual date of his birth; local residents of the area of Bethlehem have a traditional site affixed; but, our primary focus; indeed, our only focus, is the reality that Jesus was, in fact, born in the flesh, God became Man for us. The Great Captain under whose banner we have all enlisted and in whose name we battle.
The reality is that over two thousand years ago, there was born in Bethlehem of Judea one who laid aside the God-head, and assumed mortal flesh; one whose glory, worth and grace no language can express, no word can quantify; one who was born that our lives might be purified, and who died and shed his sin cleansing blood that we might be free of the penalty, power and the future presence of sin. Let us, as true Soldiers of the Cross, strive to profit by the birth, life, death, resurrection, and ascension of that Divine Master, and remain his faithful soldiers unto death.
We had a great attendance with Sir Knights, Companions, Brothers, and guests from Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Colorado, Wyoming, North Dakota, Utah, and Canada. Some notable guests were the Deputy General Grand Master for the Northwest Region of the General Grand Council of Cryptic Masons International, the Most Eminent Grand Master of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar, the Most Venerable Sovereign Grand Master of the Grand Council of the Allied Masonic Degrees, and the Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Idaho. It was great to see everyone.
Wednesday, December 16, 2020
My Absence
I do apologize for not publishing anything new lately. Between work and my Masonic obligations, it has been a busy few weeks. I've also dedicated some time to work on "The American Rite"...I know, I know, I'm just as bad as George R. R. Martin with "Winds of Winter".
I will have some holiday posts, but I promise new material with the new year.
Thursday, November 26, 2020
Saturday, November 21, 2020
2020 General Grand Chapter
The afternoon was devoted to Royal Arch Masonry as today was the 71st Triennial of the General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons International. I'd like to congratulate Most Excellent Companion Jim Hodge on his tenure as 2017-2020 General Grand High Priest and congratulate the newly elected officers of the General Grand Chapter:
General Grand High Priest: M:.E:.C:. Steven Tiner
General Grand King: M:.E:.C:. Teko Foly
General Grand Scribe: M:.E:.C:. Chadwick Burks
General Grand Treasurer: M:.E:.C:. Berdette Bryngelson
General Grand Secretary: M:.E:.C:. Larry Gray
There are several officer positions that are appointed by the General Grand High Priest to include Regional Deputies who act as his personal representatives. I am honored to have been appointed and installed as the Deputy General Grand High Priest for the Northwest Region. My territory covers the Grand Chapters of Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado.
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Happy Veteran's Day
This year I'm a Veteran working on Veteran's Day, but I am working with the men and women of the US Army. I'd like to take a moment to thank all of my Brothers and Sisters of the Armed Forces, past and present. God bless all of you and God bless the United States.
Sunday, November 8, 2020
Words & Phrases: Chapter
The next article in the Words & Phrases series is on the word "Chapter." This term is used in several concordant and appendant bodies within the Masonic family. The term in Freemasonry often indicates a basic organizational unit, but can also be used within a degree or as a name of a national/international governing body.
The word "chapter" is defined as the main division of a publication, a unit of measure specified period of time ("I opened a new chapter in my life"), or a local branch of an organization. The etymological root of "chapter" is in the Latin word "caput" meaning "head," but could also be "leader, guide, chief, summit, origin, or source."
Within Freemasonry, a Chapter is used to indicate the basic organizational unit for a variety of concordant and appendant bodies such as a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons in the York Rite of Freemasonry, Chapter of Rose Croix (15° - 18°) within the Scottish Rite, Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star, the Order of DeMolay, and the 7° - 10° in the Swedish Rite. There are some degrees within groups like the Scottish Rite, Ancient Toltec Rite, Holy Royal Arch Knights Templar Priests, Royal Order of Scotland, and Chevaliers Bienfaisants de la Cité Sainte. Within Royal Arch Masonry, the use of Chapter is appropriate as the Capitular or Royal Arch degrees include the keystone which crowned or completed the Royal Arch and the Temple of Solomon.
1. Chapter. (n.d.). Retrieved from Etymology Online: https://www.etymonline.com/word/chapter
2. Chapter. (n.d.). Retrieved from Merriam-Webster Dictionary: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/chapter
3. Chapter. (n.d.). Retrieved from Masonic Dictionary: http://www.masonicdictionary.com/chapter.htm
Saturday, October 31, 2020
Friday, October 23, 2020
Update on Masonic Week 2021
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
Visit to Ohio
For the last week, I've been in the Buckeye State (Ohio) for work near Lake Eerie. I was fortunate to be in the area when the Sandusky City Council of Royal & Select Masters of Ohio met. At this meeting, they presented one member with a 25-year pin and two with their 50-year pin. In attendance was also the Grand Conductor of the Council (and also the 4th Arch Inspector) for the Grand Council of Ohio and the newly installed Most Illustrious Grand Master of Ohio. It was my first official in-person activity as Most Illustrious Grand Master of Idaho and it was in another state. After a quick meeting, we adjourned for some coffee and snacks where my Ohio counterpart and I chatted for a bit. I'd like to thank the Companions of Ohio for their hospitality.
Since it was being conducted electronically this year, I also attended the Northwest York Rite Conference while I was still in Ohio. For the Cryptic Masons session, I was on only briefly due to the workday and timezone differences. By the time the afternoon session kicked off with Royal Arch Masons, I was off of work and was able to attend. Among several other notable items, it was announced that I would serve as the 2020-2023 Northwest Regional Deputy General Grand High Priest of the General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, International. The following day was devoted completely to Knights Templar where, among other things, it was announced that one of my best friends will serve as the 2021-2024 Northwest Department Commander for the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar, USA. The next 3-years will be very exciting for me in the York Rite of Freemasonry.
Now I'm back home working on my next work trip.
Saturday, October 10, 2020
Words & Phrases: Council
The next article in the Words & Phrases series is on the word "Council." This term is used in several concordant and appendant bodies within the Masonic family. The term in Freemasonry often indicates a basic organizational unit, but can also be used within a degree or as a name of a national/international governing body.
The word "council" is defined as an assembly or meeting of individuals for the purpose of consultation, administration, governance, discussion, or advice. "Council" is rooted in the Latin word "concilium" which translates as "a gathering of people." Councils can take the form of a permanent legislative group such as a "city council" or a temporary convention such as with ecclesiastical councils (i.e. Vatican Council).
With Freemasonry, a Council indicates a local chapter or basic organizational unit for a variety of concordant and appendant bodies such as a Council of Cryptic Masons in the York Rite, a Council Thrice Illustrious Masters (or Order of the Silver Trowel), a Council of the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross (a degree within the Commandery of Knights Templar), a Council of Kadosh in the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite, a Council of Knight Masons, a Council of the Allied Masonic Degrees, and the High Council within the Swedish Rite. There are some degrees within groups like the Scottish Rite, Ancient Toltec Rite, Holy Royal Arch Knights Templar Priests, and the Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis that use "Council" to describe their assembly. There are also some governing bodies that use the term "Council" in Freemasonry such as with the Supreme Council of the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite, High Council of the Masonic Order of the Bath, and High Council of the Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis.
1. Council. (n.d.). Retrieved from Etymology Online: https://www.etymonline.com/word/council
2. Council. (n.d.). Retrieved from Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Council
3. Council. (n.d.). Retrieved from Merriam-Webster Dictionary: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/council
4. Cryptic. (n.d.). Retrieved from Masonic Dictionary: http://www.masonicdictionary.com/cryptic.html
5. Mackey, A. G. (1897). Manual of the Council. New York: Maynard, Merrill, and Co.
Thursday, October 1, 2020
John Dee
John Dee was born on July 13, 1527, in the Tower Ward of London, the only child of Rowland Dee, a minor courtier to King Henry VIII, and Jane (or Johanna) Wild. In 1535, he was educated at the Chelmsford Chantry School (now one of the locations of King Edward VI Grammar School) before he attended St. John's College (Cambridge) in 1542; he would go onto earn a Bachelors and Masters.
In 1546, he was one of the founding Fellows of Trinity College located in Cambridge. In 1548, he traveled to Continental Europe and studied at the University of Louvain. By 1550, he was in Paris giving lectures on Euclid and mathematics. He became friends with several scholars to include famed cartographer Gerardus Mercator.
In 1551, Dee traveled back to England where he devoted his studies to alchemy, divination, and Hermetic philosophy. In 1553, King Edward VI granted him the rectory of Upton-upon-Severn, Worcestershire. The next year he was offered a readership in mathematics at the University of Oxford, but turned it down. He also worked training navigators and promoted British imperialism through naval power; some believe he was the first to coin the term "British Empire."
In 1555, Dee became a member of the Worshipful Company of Mercers. For those unfamiliar, a mercer is defined as "a dealer in textile fabrics, especially silks, velvets, and other fine materials."
Later that year he was arrested on charges of casting spells against Queen Mary I. These charges would be expanded and included treason against the British Crown. He represented himself and was exonerated, but still had to meet with the Catholic Archbishop Bonner for his examination. Whatever was involved with this examination, Bonner and Dee became close associates.
After the death of Queen Mary in 1558, her half-sister Elizabeth ascended to the throne of England. She sent for John Dee and asked for his advice to calculate the best time for her coronation which occurred on January 15, 1559.
Dee would continue to serve as an adviser to Queen Elizabeth I and own a riverside house at Mortlake near London. At this residence he amassed the largest library in England for the time; he had over 4,000 books and manuscripts while the Oxford library only had less than 400 in its collection and Cambridge's 451 in theirs. While it was a private library, he made it accessible to scholars. He also built an alchemical laboratory to further his studies on the subject. His library was so impressive that the Queen herself traveled to Mortlake simply to see the library. Queen Elizabeth and other nobility would give their patronage to Dee, but he never achieved financial independence so it is assumed that his library was built through gifts from patrons.
In 1564, Dee wrote Monas Hieroglyphica (The Hieroglyphic Monad), an exhaustive Cabalistic and Hermetic tome on the interpretation of a glyph of his own design, meant to express the mystical unity of all creation. He dedicated the book to the Holy Roman Emperor in an effort to gain more patronage, but it didn't work.
In 1570, Dee wrote a new mathematical preface to Henry Billingsley's translation of Euclid. This preface introduced the public to the signs of addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (x), and division (÷).
In 1577, Dee published General and Rare Memorials which were about navigation and Dee's vision of a maritime empire. He believed that England could become an empire through this naval supremacy and advocated that they needed to colonize the lands of the New World. Some argue that Dee saw Elizabeth as a new Arthur with him as her Merlin and that a British Empire would be a new Atlantis as it colonized the New World. Some believe that Dee influenced Francis Drake’s circumnavigation of the globe.
Maybe it was the frustration with limited patronage as well as seeing the religious turmoil ripping through Europe, but Dee started seeking ways to communicate with angels. He wanted to find a way to heal the rift between Catholic and Protestant Christianity.
He hired a number of scryers and crystal-gazers to serve as an intermediary between Dee and the angels, but was unsuccessful or unsatisfactory. Then, in 1582, he met Edward Kelley (also known as Edward Talbot), a medium who was around 28-years his junior. Through Kelley, Dee had several conversations with angels and which resulted in the discovery of the Enochian or angelic language.
It was also around August 1582 that John Dee is said to have met Francis Bacon, who would be a philosopher, statesman, a possible Rosicrucian, and an accomplished author.
Starting in Fall 1583, in search of another royal patronage, Dee and Kelley traveled to Continental Europe. They first met with a Polish nobleman named Albert Laski who was the Count Palatine of Siradz. This endeavor failed as Laski was poor and out of favor with the Polish court. They traveled throughout Europe meeting with King Stefan of Poland and Emperor Rudolf II in Prague. While in Prague, Dee was made a Doctore of Medicine.
By 1586, Dee lost favor in the Holy Roman Empire and was banished due to condemnation by the Roman Catholic Church, but he took refuge with the Count of Bohemia where he resided for nearly 2-years. In 1587, the relationship between Kelley and Dee degraded after Kelley said that angels had ordered them to share their wives. Kelley would go on to serve as an alchemist for the Emperor, but would later be arrested for failing to make good on his promises. Kelley would die in February 1593 during an attempt to escape from prison.
In 1589, he returned to England and found his Mortlake home vandalized and looted. That year also saw a plague spread through London which took the life of his wife, Jane, and five of their children. He started back up his alchemical studies and experiments, but he never attained the Philosopher's Stone.
Around 1595/96, Dee was appointed by the Queen as Warden of Christ's College in Manchester. With the decline of Catholicism in England, this college had bee re-organized as a Protestant institution with a Royal charter in 1578. This turned out not to be good for Dee as he was constantly at odds with the other Fellows of the College who despised him. While he didn't resign from this position, he returned to London in 1605. By this time, Elizabeth had died and James I had taken the throne of England and Scotland who didn't give any support or protection to John Dee.
John Dee spent the final years of his life in poverty, even after he sold off many of his possessions to support him and his daughter, Katherine, who took care of him in the end. He died sometime between December 1608 and March 1609 in Mortlake. He is said to have been buried at the local Anglican church, but both the record and gravestone are missing today. Dee was survived by two of his sons and one daughter; he had been married three times and had eight children.
1. A Hermetic & Rosicrucian Timeline. (n.d.). Retrieved from Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: http://www.golden-dawn.com/eu/displaycontent.aspx?pageid=71-
2. Cooper, D. W., & Gerald, L. (n.d.). A Bond for All the Ages. Retrieved from Sir Francis Bacon's New Advancement of Learning: http://www.sirbacon.org/links/dblohseven.html
3. Dee, John (1527-1608). (2020). Retrieved from Encyclopedia.com: http://www.encyclopedia.com/topic/John_Dee.aspx
4. Feingold, M. (n.d.). John Dee. Retrieved from Encyclopedia Britannica: http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/155467/John-Dee
5. Harrison, D. (2016, August 20). John Dee and Edward Kelley; Conversing with the Angels. Retrieved from Dr. David Harrison: https://dr-david-harrison.com/freemasonry/john-dee-edward-kelley-conversing-angels/
6. John Dee. (n.d.). Retrieved from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Dee
7. John Dee - Astrologer to the Queen. (n.d.). Retrieved from Biblioteca: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/bb/john_dee.htm
8. John Dee. (2015, March 01). Retrieved from Under the Tudor Rose: https://engelskhistoria.wordpress.com/2015/03/01/john-dee/
9. John Dee was the 16th century's real-life Gandalf. (2015, February 19). Retrieved from bOINGbOING: http://boingboing.net/2015/02/19/john-dee-was-the-real-life-mer.html
10. Lee, P. (1996). About Dr. John Dee. Retrieved from The John Dee Society: http://www.johndee.org/DEE.html
11. Westfall, R. S. (1995). Dee, John. Retrieved from The Galileo Project: http://galileo.rice.edu/Catalog/NewFiles/dee.html
Saturday, September 26, 2020
2020 General Grand Council
Friday, September 18, 2020
Grand Lodge of Idaho
I'd like to congratulate now Jr. Past Grand Master, Steven L. Hall, on his year in the Grand East. He served as Grand Master of Cryptic Masons when I was Grand High Priest, and he and I spent a lot of time traveling together. We also discussed many of his plans when he would be Most Worshipful Grand Master. His year started out strong, but then COVID-19 came into the world and halted Masonry worldwide. He had to make many hard decisions and I didn't envy the burden he carried on his shoulders.
Now we have a new Grand Master of Masons in Idaho and I wish him the best of luck. At his installation, Grand Master Steven Zimmerman announced his plan to start reopening Freemasonry in Idaho which will also allow for the reopening of the rest of the Masonic family.
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
A Masonic Giant
Monday, August 31, 2020
I Remember My Father
Today marks 2-years since my Father passed away. I sit here in California working and I've started writing down everything I remember about him. This doesn't nearly encompass everything he was, but it is what I wish to share:
I remember him working multiple jobs to support his wife and kids.
I remember him carrying me when I broke my arm in elementary school.
I remember watching horror movies with him and Laura then scaring Laura while we cleaned GeriKens.
I remember him saving me when I thought I was stronger than the river's rapids.
I remember him giving me my first beer and so many more over the years.
I remember every hunting and camping trip to the Cabin.
I remember him teaching me to ride motorcycles and encouraging me to get back up when I fell.
I remember his stories and jokes, many of them inappropriate, but hilarious.
I remember his wrath when I messed up and stepped over the line...which was a lot.
I remember him teaching me Pinochle when I was sick and the countless games we played over the years.
I remember the look of pride on his face when Laura was sworn in as a police officer.
I remember how he melted when his grandchildren were born.
I remember the look of fear in his eyes when Laura and I deployed to Iraq, and the relief when we were returned.
I remember the values and lessons he passed on, some were harder to learn than others.
I remember the last words we spoke to each other.
I will cherish every good memory and reflect upon the bad ones.
I miss you Dad and God knows what I would give to just hear your voice one more time.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Sights and Places: Dayton Masonic Center
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Entry Hall |
The Dayton Masonic Center houses a number of impressive rooms to include the Schiewetz Auditorium which has 1500 seats. This auditorium would be used for large initiation ceremonies for groups such as the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction.
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Entrance to the Auditorium |
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View from the stage |
For use by the York Rite, specifically the Knights Templar, there is the Templar Room which is covered with rich colors and woodwork and can seat up to 200.
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The Templar Room |
They have a number of Lodge rooms, but I am only showing you one which has been described as the most beautiful in the building.
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A Blue Lodge |
It also holds a library that I think is beautifully furnished.
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Royal Order of the Red Branch of Eri
Man-at-Arms or Associate, Red Branch of Eri (ARBE)Esquire or Member, Red Branch of Eri (MRBE)Knight or Knight Red Branch of Eri (KRBE)Knight Commander or Knight Commander Red Branch of Eri (KCRBE)Knight Grand Cross or Knight Grand Cross Red Branch of Eri (KGCRBE)Knight Supreme Grand Cross or Knight Supreme Grand Cross Red Branch of Eri (KSGCRBE)
Commander or ChieftainArd BrehonArd CruimthearArd OllamFour BardsMaster of CeremoniesCaptain of the GuardHerald or BollasainStandard BearerSword BearerSentinelTrumpeter4 Knights
NOTE: 'Ard' and 'Knight' are used synonymously, though 'Ard' actually means 'High.'
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Fig. 1 |
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Fig. 2 |
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Fig. 3 |
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Fig. 4 |
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Fig. 5 |
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Fig. 6 |