In “The Hierarchy of the Knights Templars”, I compared the officers of the American Templary to that of the medieval progenitors. I have recently started researching the officer line of the British Templars. Like other British Masonic organizations, they have a governing body broken up into provinces and down to the constituent or local bodies.

In American Templary, the constituent or local body is known as a Commandery, then a State (or countries for those outside of the US) it is a Grand Commandery that may fall under a Department, and then all authority is vested in the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar USA. American Templary comprises the three Orders of Red Cross, Malta, and Temple. In the British system, the basic organizational unit is the Preceptory which falls under a Provincial Priory and the governing authority is known as the Great Priory of the United Religious, Military, and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St. John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta of England and Wales and its Provinces Overseas. Also, In the British system, the Order of Malta comes after the Templar order and is conferred in a Priory, not the Preceptory
A Preceptory of Knights Templar is presided over by an Eminent Preceptor and the following officers:
First Constable
Second Constable
Deputy Marshal
First Herald
Second Herald
Standard Bearer (Beauceant)
Standard Bearer (Vexillum Belli or Banner of War)
Banner Bearer
Captain of the Guards
An Eminent Preceptor only needs to appoint a Chaplain, First Constable, Second Constable, Treasurer, Registrar, Marshal, Captain of Guards, and Guard. There could be a Pro Preceptor appointed if a Prince of the blood royal is elected and accepts being Preceptor.
Most Preceptories fall under a Provincial Priory which is presided over by a Right Eminent Provincial Prior and the following officers:
Very Eminent Provincial Sub-Prior
Eminent Provincial Prelate
Eminent Provincial Chancellor
Eminent Provincial First Constable
Eminent Provincial Second Constable
Eminent Provincial Treasurer
Eminent Provincial Registrar
Eminent Provincial Vice-Chancellor
Eminent Provincial Marshal
Eminent Provincial Deputy Marshal
Eminent Provincial Almoner
Eminent Provincial Herald
Eminent Provincial Standard Bearer (Beauceant)
Eminent Provincial Standard Bearer (Vexillum Belli)
Eminent Provincial Banner Bearer
Eminent Provincial Sword Bearer
Eminent Provincial Aide-de-Camp
Eminent Provincial Warden of Regalia
Eminent Provincial Chamberlain
Eminent Provincial Captain of the Guard
Eminent Provincial Organist
Eminent Provincial Guard
Every Provincial Priory shall be composed of the Provincial Prior, past and present officers, Preceptors, Past Preceptors, Constables of every Preceptory in the Province, and any Installed Preceptors who are members of a Preceptory within the Province.
Some Preceptories do not fall under a Province and are referred to as Unattached Preceptories similar to our Subordinate Commanderies. These Unattached Preceptories report directly to the Great Priory, but they may also be grouped and overseen by a Group Inspector.
Provinces, Groups, and Unattached Preceptories fall under the Great Priory, the supreme Templar authority headquartered in England. The Great Priory is presided over by the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master and the following officers:
Most Eminent and Supreme Pro-Grand Master
Very High and Right Eminent Great Seneschal
Very Eminent Great Prelate
Very Eminent Great Chancellor
Very Eminent First Great Constable
Very Eminent Second Great Constable
Very Eminent Great Treasurer
Very Eminent Great Registrar
Very Eminent President Grand Masters Council
Very Eminent Group Inspector
Very Eminent Great Vice-Chancellor
Very Eminent Great Marshal
Eminent Deputy Great Vice-Chancellor
Eminent Deputy Great Marshal
Eminent Great Almoner
Eminent Great Herald
Eminent Great Standard Bearer (Beauceant)
Eminent Great Standard Bearer (Vexillum Belli)
Eminent Grand Masters Banner Bearer
Eminent Great Sword Bearer
Eminent Deputy Great Registrar
Eminent Deputy Great Almoner
Eminent Assistant Great Vice-Chancellor
Eminent Deputy Great Sword Bearer
Eminent Assistant Great Chancellor
Eminent Great Aide-de-Camp
Eminent Great Warden of Regalia
Eminent Great Chamberlain
Eminent Great Captain of Guards
Eminent Great Organist
Eminent Deputy Great Organist
Eminent Great Guard
For the purposes of rank, the Provincial Prior ranks after the Great Seneschal.
The Great Priory is composed of the Preceptors and Constables of its constituent Preceptories, and all Great Officers must be Installed Preceptors.
As I mentioned earlier, the Order of Malta is separate and comes last in English Templary, but is still tied in with the hierarchy. Every Templar Preceptory is also a Priory of Malta. In most cases, the officers are the same although it depends on the nature of the Preceptory and Priory (sometimes the Eminent Preceptor is not the Prior). For a Preceptor to be also be a Prior, he must be a member first which requires you to have been elected to membership in a Priory of Malta. It is interesting to see how much closer an American Priory of Malta and a British Priory of Malta are in terms of their officer titles versus that seen in Templary.
A Priory is presided over by an Eminent Prior and the following officers:
Captain General
Lieutenant General
First Lieutenant
Second Lieutenant
Deputy Mareschal
Captain of the Outposts
Just like the Knights Templar, a Provincial Priory is presided over by a Rt. Em. Prov. Prior. A Provincial Prior may appoint a Provincial Sub-Prior and officers corresponding to the Great Priory.
The Order of Malta is governed by the Great Priory and is presided over by the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master and the following officers:
Very Eminent Great Prior of Malta
Very Eminent Great Captain General
Very Eminent Great Lieutenant General
Very Eminent Great First Lieutenant
Eminent Great Second Lieutenant
Eminent Great Sub-Prior of Malta
Very Eminent Great Prelate
Eminent Great Mareschal
Eminent Great Hospitaller
Eminent Great Admiral
Eminent Great Conservator
Eminent Great Baillie
Eminent Great Turcopolier
Eminent Great Chancellor
Eminent Great Treasurer
Eminent Deputy Great Mareschals
Eminent Great Banner Bearer
Eminent Great Sword Bearer
Eminent Great Captain of Outposts
Eminent Great Organist
Eminent Deputy Great Organist
Eminent Great Guard
The Great Seneschal, Great Chancellor, President of the Grand Masters Council, Great Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Great Registrar, and Assistant Great Chancellor have no ceremonial duties but rank as Grand officers of Malta.
There are also two awards given to those who have earned them: the Knight Grand Cross of the United Orders (KGC) and the Knights Commander of the United Orders (KCC).
Also see: The Rite of Baldwyn
Knights of Malta. (n.d.). Retrieved from Mark Masons' Hall, London:
Statutes. (2022). Retrieved from Great Priory of the United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple of St. John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta of England and Wales and its Provinces Overseas: