Well, another year has gone by, and with it another Masonic Week in the DC area. Thankfully my trip went without any troubles even though Mother Nature was starting to hurl winter storms my way. After getting checked in, I had a chance to sit down with the Supreme Magus of the SRICF and pick his brain about the year. After that, it was socializing with all of the Brothers as they arrived.
First thing Thursday morning was the meeting of the Grand Master's Council of the Commemorative Order of St. Thomas of Acon of the USA. Matthew Dupee was installed as Most Worthy Grand Master of the order and Louis Bartrand was installed as Most Eminent Grand Prior. After lunch, I attended the Grand Chapter of the Sovereign Order of Knights Preceptor which was presided over by my good friend, Bro. David A. Grindle. The Preceptors was followed by the Provincial Grand Court of the USA of the Masonic Order of Athelstan. Thursday night I had attended the exemplification of the degrees of Royal Ark Mariner and Knight of Constantinople. The degree teams for each degree did a fantastic job. The exemplar for the latter degree was Peter Brusoe, the Most Excellent Grand High Priest of DC, with whom I sat afterward and discussed our respective Grand Chapters.
Friday morning started with the Grand College of Rites. I care deeply about this organization and I am happy to see it flourishing. The Society of Blue Friars followed. The Grand Abbott had named Piers Vaughn the newest Friar and he gave a presentation of the influence of Martinism on the Rectified Scottish Rite. Brent Morris then announced that after 15-years he was retiring as Grand Abbott and installed Arturo de Hoyos as the new Grand Abbott. After lunch, the Grand Council of Knight Masons of the United States of America convened. The Great Chief awarded the Knight Commander of Zerubbabel and Past Senior Grand Knight on many worthy Sir Knights and Cousins. I had the rest of the afternoon off as I am not a member of the Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests. I wasn't feeling 100% so I called it early Friday night.
I woke up Saturday refreshed and attended the conferral of the first 3 Grades (Ostiarius, Lector, and Fellow) of the Royal Order of the Masonic Knights of the Scarlet Cord. I had the pleasure of being the exemplar during the Second Grade. The degree teams did a fantastic and impressive job. After the Philalethes Society luncheon, The Grand Council of the Allied Masonic Degrees of the United States convened. I congratulate Most Venerable Brother Paul Newhall on being elected and installed as the new Sovereign Grand Master of the Allied Masonic Degrees of the USA. After the All Masonic Banquet, the Masonic Order of the Bath met and conferred the degree on many candidates. I was elected to Very Honorable Lt. Commander-General for the order. Now I am all packed up and ready to head to the airport. It's time to go back to Idaho, to home.