
I started this blog in 2010 to share the research that I have been doing since before joining Freemasonry. The passing and sharing of knowledge are paramount to the continuance of Freemasonry and society. "A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots." (Marcus Garvey) 

This blog also serves as a chronicle of my journey through Freemasonry. I have been involved in Freemasonry for over 17 years now:

  • Past Master (and Past Treasurer) of Oriental Lodge No. 60, AF&AM of Idaho
  • Past Master (and Past Secretary) of Idaho Lodge of Research No. 1965, AF&AM of Idaho
  • Past Master of Idaho City Historical Lodge No. 1863, AF&AM of Idaho
  • Past Grand Orator for the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of Idaho
  • Former Chairman of the Masonic Research and Education Committee for the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of Idaho
  • Former Chairman of the Board of Relief for the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of Idaho
  • Past High Priest of Boise Chapter No. 3, Royal Arch Masons
  • Most Excellent Past Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Idaho
  • Right Excellent Past Deputy General Grand High Priest for the Northwest of the General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons International (2020-2023)
  • Recipient of the Ephraim A. Kirby Award of the General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons International
  • Past President of the Order of the High Priesthood of Idaho
  • Past Illustrious Master for Idaho Council No. 1, Cryptic Masons
  • Most Illustrious Past Grand Master of the Grand Council of Cryptic Masons of Idaho
  • Recipient of the Order of the Secret Vault of the General Grand Council of Cryptic Masons International
  • Past Thrice Illustrious Master of the Order of the Silver Trowel in Idaho
  • Past Eminent Commander for Idaho Commandery No. 1, Knights Templar
  • Right Eminent Grand Commander of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Idaho
  • Recipient of the Knights Templar Cross of Honor (2015) and Knight Commander of the Temple (2019)
  • Chairman of the Committee on Ritualistic Matters for the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the USA
  • Eminent Deputy Preceptor of the Idaho Chapter of the Sovereign Order of Knights Preceptor
  • Past Pre-Eminent Governor of Tri-Valley College No. 178, York Rite Sovereign College of North America
  • Past Patron of Adah Chapter No. 8 of the Order of the Eastern Star of Idaho
  • Member (32°) of Boise Valley of the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction of the USA
  • Lifetime member of the Scottish Rite Research Society
  • Fellow of the Grand College of Rites, USA
  • Past Sovereign and Recorder of St. Michael's Conclave of the Red Cross of Constantine
  • Recipient of the appendant orders of the Holy Sepulchre and St. John the Evangelist of the Red Cross of Constantine
  • Recipient of the College of Viceroys and the Senate of Sovereigns of the Red Cross of Constantine
  • Past Chief of Knights of Tara Council No. 122, Order of Knight Masons
  • Recipient of the Knight Commander of Zerubbabel in the Order of Knight Masons
  • Past Master of Intermountain Chapel No. 27 of Ye Commemorative Order of St. Thomas of Acon, USA
  • Provincial Grand Treasurer of the Northwest Province of Ye Commemorative Order of St. Thomas of Acon, USA
  • Grand Registrar of the Grand Master's Council of Ye Commemorative Order of St. Thomas of Acon, USA
  • Past Prior of Idaho Priory No. 13 of the Knights of the York Cross of Honor and recipient of the Knight of the York Grand Cross of Honor (2 Quadrants)
  • Life member of the Royal Order of Scotland
  • Past Sovereign Master of Star Garnet Council No. 560 of the Allied Masonic Degrees for the USA
  • Member (4° or Councillor) of the Royal Order of the Masonic Knights of the Scarlet Cord
  • Knight Commander of the Royal Order of the Red Branch of Eri
  • Honorable Grand Commander of the Left Wing and Honorable Assistant Grand Secretary of Syringa Order No. 121 of the Order of the Sword of Bunker Hill
  • Member of Ye Antient Order of the Corks
  • Most Honorable Past Commander-General of the Masonic Order of the Bath of the USA
  • Junior Deacon for Salish Court No. 96 of the Masonic Order of Athelstan
  • Member of Tacobat Grotto of the M.O.V.P.E.R.
  • VI Pillar of Redemption Tabernacle No. XL of the Holy Royal Arch Knights Templar Priest
  • Primus Celebrant and IX° (or Magus) of Idaho College of the Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis (SRICF)
  • Guardian of the Caverns for the High Council of the Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis (SRICF)

I'm a member of the Apostolic Johannite Church and a novitiate of the Oblates of the Temple and St. John (ObTSJ).

I served in the Idaho Army National Guard for 12 years as an Intelligence Analyst and an Unmanned Aircraft Instructor-Operator with two deployments to Iraq (Operation Iraqi Freedom III and Operation New Dawn). 

I am an alumnus of Boise State University where I earned a Bachelor of Science in Political Science with an emphasis in International Relations with a Minor in History and my Masters of Arts in Political Science with my thesis titled "Analysis of Cyber Incidents Between Dyadic Rivals." 

I'm also a member of the Kappa Rho Chapter of the Kappa Sigma fraternity and served as House Manager, Grand Treasurer, and Grand Procurator (the judicial officer and 2nd-in-command). I currently serve as an Assistant Alumni Advisor for the Kappa Rho Chapter as well as a Steve Alonzo Jackson Ambassador.

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