Monday, July 29, 2024

Decisions and Legislation for Grand Encampment

We are 3 weeks away from the 69th Triennial Conclave of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar, USA, in Salt Lake City, UT. In June, all voting delegates should have received the Grand Master's Decisions and Proposed Legislation that will be brought to the floor for approval or rejection by the voting members. What follows is a brief synopsis of each:

Grand Master's Decision No. 1: Vacated the actions of St. George Commandery No. 76 in Ohio in regards to their trial and expulsion of Sir Knight Duane Vaught, PGM, as the Grand Encampment had exclusive jurisdiction over the actions of Sir Knight Vaught (see Sections 2, 3, 23, 83, 96, 97, and 203 of the Constitution, Statutes, and Decisions of the Grand Encampment)

Proposed Amendment 2024-01: Would prohibit Grand Commanderies from holding Conclaves on the Thursday, Friday, or Saturday preceding the Grand Encampment Easter Observance. I am one of the proposers of this resolution. I believe it is needed as there are Grand Commanderies who have met on the same weekend as the Easter Observance and it has prevented Sir Knights from attending both.

Proposed Amendment 2024-02: Would allow candidates (Knights of Malta) to attend the opening of a Commandery of Knights Templar before his conferral of the Order of the Temple on the same date. This is proposed by the Grand Commander and two Past Grand Commanders of Ohio who believe this will help be more welcoming to new members and showcase the grandeur of our noble Order.

Proposed Amendment 2024-03: Would limit dues assessment to one per physical member regardless of how many individual Commanderies he belongs to within a Grand Commandery. The proposer is a Past Grand Commander from MA-RI who believes that our current assessments are not fair or equitable in regard to the proportional benefits and burdens associated with Sir Knights holding multiple memberships within a Grand Commandery. 

Proposed Amendment 2024-04: Would amend the Short Form Ritual of the Order of Malta to be more in line with the Full Form. The proposer is a Past Grand Commander of Maryland and believes that the current Short Form misses an essential message expressed in the full form and wishes to add a single line to rectify that.

At the Knights Templar Eye Foundation, members will also be voting on proposed amended and restated Articles of Incorporation. I looked forward to seeing everyone there.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

RIP Bruce Wethered

It is with a heavy heart that I announce the death of Sir Knight Bruce A. Wethered, the Junior Past Grand Commander of Idaho. Bruce was born on October 12, 1950, in Vancouver, Washington. He grew up in Washington but in 1965 his family moved to Nampa. As a teenager, he was involved with the Boy Scouts and DeMolay where he earned the Eagle Scout award and the Representative DeMolay award. Bruce graduated from Nampa High School in 1969, earned a BBA in Business from Boise State University in 1974, and an MBA from Pacific Lutheran University in 1984. Bruce worked for Physio-Control Corporation from 1981 to 1991 in planning, transportation, and logistics in Redmond, WA. He then moved back to Nampa where you worked for the MPC Corporation until 2006. 

Bruce was Initiated, Passed, and Raised in Ashlar Lodge No. 90 in Nampa, ID, in 1972. He served as Worshipful Master in 1978, 2003 and 2014, and is currently serving as Secretary. For the Grand Lodge AF&AM of Idaho, he served as a District Deputy Grand Master and Right Worshipful Grand Treasurer. He was very active in the York Rite where he was a Most Excellent Past Grand High Priest of Royal Arch Masons of Idaho (2016-2017), a Most Illustrious Past Grand Master of Cryptic Masons of Idaho (2021-2022), and a Right Eminent Past Grand Commander of Knights Templar of Idaho. He was a also a Past President of the Order Of High Priesthood in Idaho, Past Thrice Illustrious Master of the order of the Silver Trowel in Idaho, and a member of Idaho Chapter No. 13 of the Sovereign Order of Knights Preceptor, Past Sovereign and current Treasurer of St. Michaels Conclave of the Red Cross of Constantine, Junior Warden of Star Garnet No. 560 of the Allied Masonic Degrees, Deputy Preceptor of Redemption No. XL of the Holy Royal Arch Knights Templar Priests, Junior Knight of Knights of Tara No. 122 of the Order of Knight Masons, Past Prior of Idaho Priory No. 13 of the Knights of the York Cross of Honor, and Past Governor of Tri-Valley College No. 178 of the York Rite Sovereign College of North America.

In 2010, Bruce started taking dance lessons and competed in Waltz, Tango, Foxtrot, Cha Cha, Rumba and East Coast Swing. He even demonstrated some dances at a Grand York Rite banquet. Bruce was a good friend, Mason, and Templar. I followed him through the officer line of Idaho Commandery No. 1 and the Grand Commandery line. He was genuinely one of the nicest guys I had ever met and I will dearly miss him.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Happy 4th of July

Happy Fourth of July, Sir Knights!!!

Today, we commemorate the birth of our great nation, a beacon of freedom and liberty for all. It is a day to reflect on the sacrifices made by those who have come before us, and to celebrate the values that have shaped our country.

In the spirit of the Templars, let us remember the principles that unite us as Brothers and Sir Knights. Just as our forebears defended the sacred and the just, so too must we stand vigilant in our defense of the freedoms we hold dear. Our dedication to these ideals not only honors our noble heritage, but also strengthens the fabric of our nation.

On this Independence Day, let us pledge to uphold the virtues of faith, hope, and charity. Let our actions be guided by the light of truth, and let our hearts be filled with gratitude for the blessings of liberty. As we gather with family and friends, may we find inspiration in the enduring spirit of patriotism and unity.

May God bless you, may God bless our Order, and may God bless the United States of America.