Wednesday, July 24, 2024

RIP Bruce Wethered

It is with a heavy heart that I announce the death of Sir Knight Bruce A. Wethered, the Junior Past Grand Commander of Idaho. Bruce was born on October 12, 1950, in Vancouver, Washington. He grew up in Washington but in 1965 his family moved to Nampa. As a teenager, he was involved with the Boy Scouts and DeMolay where he earned the Eagle Scout award and the Representative DeMolay award. Bruce graduated from Nampa High School in 1969, earned a BBA in Business from Boise State University in 1974, and an MBA from Pacific Lutheran University in 1984. Bruce worked for Physio-Control Corporation from 1981 to 1991 in planning, transportation, and logistics in Redmond, WA. He then moved back to Nampa where you worked for the MPC Corporation until 2006. 

Bruce was Initiated, Passed, and Raised in Ashlar Lodge No. 90 in Nampa, ID, in 1972. He served as Worshipful Master in 1978, 2003 and 2014, and is currently serving as Secretary. For the Grand Lodge AF&AM of Idaho, he served as a District Deputy Grand Master and Right Worshipful Grand Treasurer. He was very active in the York Rite where he was a Most Excellent Past Grand High Priest of Royal Arch Masons of Idaho (2016-2017), a Most Illustrious Past Grand Master of Cryptic Masons of Idaho (2021-2022), and a Right Eminent Past Grand Commander of Knights Templar of Idaho. He was a also a Past President of the Order Of High Priesthood in Idaho, Past Thrice Illustrious Master of the order of the Silver Trowel in Idaho, and a member of Idaho Chapter No. 13 of the Sovereign Order of Knights Preceptor, Past Sovereign and current Treasurer of St. Michaels Conclave of the Red Cross of Constantine, Junior Warden of Star Garnet No. 560 of the Allied Masonic Degrees, Deputy Preceptor of Redemption No. XL of the Holy Royal Arch Knights Templar Priests, Junior Knight of Knights of Tara No. 122 of the Order of Knight Masons, Past Prior of Idaho Priory No. 13 of the Knights of the York Cross of Honor, and Past Governor of Tri-Valley College No. 178 of the York Rite Sovereign College of North America.

In 2010, Bruce started taking dance lessons and competed in Waltz, Tango, Foxtrot, Cha Cha, Rumba and East Coast Swing. He even demonstrated some dances at a Grand York Rite banquet. Bruce was a good friend, Mason, and Templar. I followed him through the officer line of Idaho Commandery No. 1 and the Grand Commandery line. He was genuinely one of the nicest guys I had ever met and I will dearly miss him.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Happy 4th of July

Happy Fourth of July, Sir Knights!!!

Today, we commemorate the birth of our great nation, a beacon of freedom and liberty for all. It is a day to reflect on the sacrifices made by those who have come before us, and to celebrate the values that have shaped our country.

In the spirit of the Templars, let us remember the principles that unite us as Brothers and Sir Knights. Just as our forebears defended the sacred and the just, so too must we stand vigilant in our defense of the freedoms we hold dear. Our dedication to these ideals not only honors our noble heritage, but also strengthens the fabric of our nation.

On this Independence Day, let us pledge to uphold the virtues of faith, hope, and charity. Let our actions be guided by the light of truth, and let our hearts be filled with gratitude for the blessings of liberty. As we gather with family and friends, may we find inspiration in the enduring spirit of patriotism and unity.

May God bless you, may God bless our Order, and may God bless the United States of America.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Visit to London

It's been a fantastic week for me. I just finished spending 5 full days in the London area. Last Sunday I left home and flew into the UK (landing on Monday morning). After checking in to my hotel, I walked around London to get my bearings. I visited the British Museum and then visited Freemasons' Hall. It is a beautiful building, especially the Shrine and Grand Temple.


On Tuesday, I visited Tower Bridge, the Tower of London (and the Crown Jewels), the London Mithraeum, Mercer's Hall (just a quick picture), St. Paul's Cathedral (and yes I climbed all 500+ steps to the top), and then stopped by the plaque marking where the first Grand Lodge was established in 1717. It was an exhausting day, but I saw a lot; I probably did 2,000 steps just to climb stairs.



Wednesday morning I toured Temple Church. I could've spent all day in there, but once I had seen as much as I could I made my way over to Freemasons' Hall to attend the Provincial Grand Chapter and Provincial Grand Lodge of Surrey. I found it fascinating to watch the ceremonies of British Royal Arch and Craft Masonry. I was blown away by the fact that over 900 Brothers attended the Provincial Grand Lodge meeting.


Thursday morning and afternoon were a time of recovery and relaxation; I was also troubleshooting my phone before I realized there was an International Coverage Outage for Verizon and other carriers (Thanks Syniverse). Thursday night I was conducted through the Trial of Corax in Britannia Legion No. 1 of the Mysteries of Mithras. Afterward, we retired to the dining room and had a great meal. There were also toasts and a lot of socializing. I talked with Brothers from all over the world.

Friday I walked around Buckingham Palace (it's not open for tours until July), St. James Park, Westminster Abbey, Big Ben and Parliament,  Trafalgar Square, and St. James Palace. I then found a nice pub to have a meal and beer before returning to my hotel to get ready for my flight home. I want to thank the English Brothers for all of their hospitality.


My flight from London to the US was enjoyable. It was the last flight for a Captain who had flown for nearly 36 years.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

A Templar Week

It has been a very busy week for me. I flew home on June 8th from a 2-week-long work trip. I had very little rest as I drove to south-central Idaho on Sunday to attend the Informal Opening of the Grand Chapter of Idaho, Order of the Eastern Star, and represented the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Idaho. It had been too long since I had attended a Grand Chapter, and catching up with old friends was great.

I stayed the night and the next day traveled to eastern Idaho so I could conduct my Official Visit as Grand Commander to Idaho Falls Commandery No. 6. I was well received and I'd like to thank the Sir Knights for their generosity and hospitality.

Thursday, I attended Idaho Commandery No. 1 for my Official Visit where I installed my Deputy Grand Commander who couldn't be at the installation in April due to personal issues.

The next night was my largest last stated meeting before going dark for the summer. We had a lot of business to conduct and June marks 18 years in Freemasonry for me so the Brethren recognized me for that. Afterward, we closed the meeting, adjourned to the bar, and shared some refreshments.

Yesterday, I presided over the conferring of the Order of Malta and the Order of the Temple. I was supported by members and officers of three different Commanderies as well as Grand Commandery officers, Past Grand Commanders of Oregon and Idaho, the Grand Commander of Oregon, and the Northwest Department Commander. The Order of the Temple is one of the most beautiful rituals in all of Freemasonry. Yesterday was also the 113th anniversary of Salmon Commandery No. 9 and Twin Falls Commandery No. 10.

Today, I am rested and refreshed so I can now concentrate on studying for a certification that I need for work. Today also marks 18 years since I was Passed to the degree of Fellow Craft Mason.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

The Templar City of Tomar

Nestled within central Portugal lies the enchanting Templar city of Tomar. Steeped in history and shrouded in legend, Tomar stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of the Knights Templar. Founded in the 12th century by Gualdim Pais, the Master of the Templars in Portugal, Tomar served as a strategic stronghold and spiritual center for the order, playing a pivotal role in the defense of the region during the Reconquista. Known for its impressive architectural heritage, rich cultural tapestry, and significant historical importance, Tomar is often referred to as the "Templar City." Today, Tomar is celebrated for its architectural heritage, including the Convent of Christ which embodies the fusion of Templar and Manueline styles.

In 711 AD, Muslim forces under the command of Tariq ibn Ziyad crossed the Strait of Gibraltar and defeated the Visigothic Kingdom at the Battle of Guadalete. Within a few years, much of the Iberian Peninsula fell under Muslim rule, except for a few small Christian enclaves in the northern mountains. The Kingdom of Asturias, established in the mountainous region of northern Iberia, became the focal point of Christian resistance. Over the next several centuries, Christian kingdoms gradually expanded southward, reclaiming territory from Muslim rule through a series of military campaigns and sieges. The Kingdom of León, Castile, Aragon, Navarre, and Portugal emerged as key players in the Reconquista.

The Kingdom of Portugal was established in 1139, following the Battle of Ourique, where Afonso I, also known as Afonso Henriques, emerged victorious against the Moors. Afonso declared himself the first King of Portugal and began the process of consolidating power and expanding Portuguese territory. However, it's important to note that the region of modern-day Portugal had been inhabited and governed by various peoples and entities prior to this establishment as a kingdom, including the Romans, Visigoths, and Moors. The Battle of Ourique is often considered a pivotal moment in Portugal's history, marking the beginning of its journey toward nationhood.

Fueled by the Crusader spirit of the Holy Land, the Reconquista drew inspired Christian warriors and chivalric knighthoods to the Iberian Peninsula to fight back the Moors. The Knights Templar first arrived in the Iberian Peninsula in the early 12th century. Their military expertise and financial resources made them valuable allies to Christian rulers engaged in the Reconquista.

The Templars played a crucial role in the construction and defense of key fortifications along the Christian frontier, including castles, watchtowers, and fortified towns. One such strategic stronghold was Tomar. King Afonso I of Portugal granted lands to the Knights Templar as a reward for their assistance in the Reconquista and as a means of securing the newly gained territories. In 1160, the Knights Templar began constructing the Castle of Tomar, which served as the initial headquarters for the Templar Order in Portugal. Over time, their presence expanded, and in 1162, Gualdim Pais, a prominent Templar Knight, began the construction of a castle and the Convent of Christ atop the nearby hill. This vast complex served as the headquarters of the Knights Templar in Portugal and played a crucial role in their activities throughout the region.

The Convent of Christ in Tomar became not only a fortified stronghold but also a center of religious and military activity for the Order. It housed knights, monks, and pilgrims, and its grand architecture reflected the power and influence of the Templars. The Knights Templar were deeply involved in the defense of Portugal against Muslim incursions from the south, and Tomar served as a strategic base for their operations.

However, the glory days of the Knights Templar came to an abrupt end in the early 14th century. In 1312, under pressure from the King of France and the Pope, the Order was disbanded, and many of its members were arrested and executed. In Portugal, King Denis negotiated with Pope John XXII to transfer the assets and properties of the Templars to a newly formed Order of Christ, which was established in 1319 and fell under the authority of the Portuguese Crown. The Convent of Christ in Tomar became the headquarters of this new order, ensuring the continuation of the Templar legacy in Portugal.

The Order of Christ became a military, political, and economic power and influence that was given more land holdings, tax exemptions, and permission to mint its own coin. It was at the Convent in Tomar that the Iberian Union was established in 1581 and lasted until 1640 (during which time the Crowns of Portugal and Spain were united in a dynastic union). The wealth of the order would help fund Portugal’s legendary maritime voyages.

Under the Order of Christ, the Convent of Christ underwent further expansion and embellishment, becoming one of the most important religious and cultural centers in Portugal. In the 15th century, two cloisters were constructed (the Cemetery Cloister and Washing Cloister) as was the Chapel of São Jorge. King Manuel (who also served as Master of the Order of Christ) had the Hall of Passage built that connected the choir to the Chapel of São Jorge. King John III demilitarized the Order of Christ and they were more similar to the Cistercians than they were to the former Templar order. King John III ordered the construction of a new cloister for the order which is considered the best example of Renaissance architecture in Portugal. Saint Barbara's Cloister was built that has a view of the beautiful Chapter House Window and the western side of the church’s nave. The Cloister of John III was started during this time, but didn’t finish until the reign of Philip I of Portugal. During the 17th century, a 6-km aqueduct for the Convent was built. The Order of Christ remained active until the dissolution of the religious orders in the 19th century.

Today, the Convent of Christ in Tomar stands as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, a testament to the enduring legacy of the Knights Templar and their successors, the Order of Christ.

Outside of the Convent now lies a city with a rich history. Located near the Convent is the Mata Nacional dos Sete Montes (National Forest of the Seven Hills) which is described as a lush green park with paths, gardens, and scenic views. Within the city, there are many historical buildings like the Church of Santa Maria do Olival which is a 12th century Gothic church that served as a burial place for the Knights Templar in Portugal (including Gualdim Pais). One of the oldest synagogues in Portugal is in Tomar which also houses the Jewish Museum of Abraham Zacuto. The Praça da República (Republic Square) is surrounded by the City Hall and the Igreja de São João Baptista Church of Saint John the Baptist).

The City of Tomar stands as a living testament to the enduring legacy of the Knights Templar, with its medieval streets, imposing castle, and the majestic Convent of Christ serving as reminders of a bygone era. Visitors to this charming city are greeted with an opportunity to step back in time, explore the mysteries of the Knights Templar, and marvel at the architectural wonders they left behind. As one wanders through the narrow alleys and ancient buildings of Tomar, they are transported to a world where knights once roamed and legends were born.


1. Convento de Cristo. (n.d.). Retrieved from Monument History: 

2. Hero Traveler. (n.d.). Retrieved from Tomar: The Templar City of Portugal: 

3. Templar Knights. (n.d.). Retrieved from Tomar and the Knights Templar Region: 

4. The Best Portugal. (n.d.). Retrieved from Tomar the Last Knight Templar City: 

5. Wright, N. (2019, July 05). Portugal Resident. Retrieved from Tomar – Portugal’s Knights Templar Town:

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Corpus Christi

Today is the Feast of Corpus Christi, which means "Body of Christ" in Latin. This feast day, also known as the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, celebrates the Eucharist, particularly the presence of the body and blood of Jesus Christ in the consecrated elements of bread and wine.

This feast day originated in the 13th century when a Belgian nun named Juliana of Liège had a vision in which she was instructed to institute a feast in honor of the Blessed Sacrament. After several years of effort, Pope Urban IV established Corpus Christi as a universal feast on August 11, 1264, with the papal bull "Transiturus de Hoc Mundo." Interestingly, Urban's papal bull would be confirmed by Pope Clement V at the Council of Vienne in 1311. It was at this ecumenical council that the Knights Templar were formally suppressed by the Roman Catholic Church which led Pope Clement to issue the papal bull "Vox in Excelso" that dissolved the Templar Order.

Corpus Christi is typically celebrated on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday, which falls 60 days after Easter Sunday, though in some countries it is observed on the Sunday following that Thursday. The date may vary depending on local ecclesiastical calendars.

The celebration often includes a solemn procession in which the consecrated host, contained in a monstrance (open or transparent receptacle), is carried through the streets, accompanied by clergy, musicians, and members of the congregation. This procession symbolizes the public proclamation and veneration of the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist.

In addition to processions, Corpus Christi may also involve special Masses, prayers, hymns, and other religious ceremonies. It is considered one of the principal feasts of the liturgical year, emphasizing the central importance of the Eucharist in Catholic theology and practice. It serves as an opportunity for believers to deepen their faith and devotion to the mystery of the Holy Eucharist.


1. Council of Vienne. (n.d.). Retrieved from Encyclopedia Britannica:

2. Feast of Corpus Christi. (n.d.). Retrieved from Encyclopedia Britannica:

3. Mershman, F. (1908). Feast of Corpus Christi. Retrieved from New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia:

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Message for the Pentecost

Sir Knights,

As we gather to celebrate Pentecost, I extend my warmest greetings and blessings to each one of you. This day marks a pivotal moment in our faith, commemorating the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and the birth of the Church. It is a reminder of the divine guidance and strength that inspire our mission.

Pentecost signifies unity, courage, and the transformative power of faith—values that are at the core of our Order. The Holy Spirit empowered the Apostles to speak in tongues, breaking barriers and uniting people of different nations and languages. Similarly, we, as Knights Templar, are called to transcend boundaries, fostering brotherhood and compassion among all.

Let us take this occasion to reflect on our own spiritual journeys. The flame of Pentecost is not merely a historical event but a living reality, inviting us to rekindle our commitment to God, to our Order, and to our communities. The Holy Spirit’s gifts of wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord are bestowed upon us to guide our actions and decisions.

In these times of challenge and change, may the Spirit of Pentecost fill our hearts with renewed purpose and zeal. Let us strive to be beacons of light, justice, and mercy in a world that deeply needs our witness. Together, united by the Holy Spirit, we can accomplish great deeds for the glory of God and the betterment of humanity.

May the peace and blessings of Pentecost be with you and your loved ones. Let us move forward with the confidence that we are guided by the Spirit in our noble endeavors.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Visits as Grand Commander

Wednesday night was my first official visit as Grand Commander of Idaho. I'm visiting Lewiston Commandery No. 2 and Coeur d’Alene Commandery No. 5 which held a joint meeting. I had the pleasure of officially installing the Sir Knight I appointed as Eminent Grand Standard Bearer, whose previous obligation conflicted with our Annual Conclave in Burley last month. I had the pleasure of dragging the Northwest Department Commander with me.

Thursday morning, we traveled to Wenatchee where the two of us attended the Reuben Baer Past Commander's Association and the Memorial Service of the Grand York Rite of Washington. Friday morning I attended the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Washington where I represented the General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons International.

I attended the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Washington on Saturday morning, where a good friend presided. One of the accomplishments of the Grand Commandery was gaining 100% Life Sponsorship which means that only two Grand Commanderies in the Northwest do not have 100%, but are close. Sir Knight Jim McGee, a candidate for Grand Captain General of the Grand Encampment, also attended and assisted in installing the new officers. He was also made an Illustrious Knight of the Triangle.

Saturday afternoon and evening were spent with friends and Sir Knights, some food, and some adult libations. Now it's time for bed to get ready for the 7-hour drive home and then I can see my mother for Mother's Day.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Day of Ascension

Sir Knights,

Today, we commemorate the miraculous Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ, whose divine journey signifies the triumph of light over darkness, hope over despair, and righteousness over sin. As Knights Templar, we are entrusted with the solemn duty to uphold the virtues of Christianity, to defend the faith, and to protect the innocent with unwavering courage and resolve.

Let us emulate the courage and sacrifice of our predecessors, who stood firm against adversity and injustice. As we ascend higher in our spiritual and earthly endeavors, may we continue to be beacons of hope and defenders of truth in a world often shrouded in darkness.

As we stand united in our sacred mission, let us renew our commitment to the sacred vows we have sworn, to serve with honor, integrity, and valor. Together, let us march forward with steadfast determination, guided by the divine light that shines within each and every one of us.

On this hallowed day, let us offer prayers of gratitude for the blessings bestowed upon us and seek guidance for the challenges that lie ahead. May the grace of the Almighty be upon us always, guiding our steps and illuminating our path.

In the spirit of unity and fraternity, I wish you all a blessed Ascension Day. May the Blessed Redeemer guide and protect us as we journey forth, ever faithful to the sacred calling of the Knights Templar.

Tuum in Christo

This stone has an imprint of a foot and is said to be the spot from which Christ ascended to heaven. I took this picture in November 2022 when I visited Israel.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

YouTube Channel

April marked the 14th anniversary of the Traveling Templar and the creation of the Traveling Templar YouTube channel. I will be posting videos covering a variety of topics including my travels, the history of the medieval Knights Templar, events and history of Masonic Templary, and various other aspects of Freemasonry.