Well, this has been one Hell of a year! It has been a long year. Last June I was only home for two weeks before starting Grad School. The summer courses started out Graduate journey slowly, but with the Fall and Spring semesters, I could often be found at night huddled over books and my laptop. Since I was in an accelerated program I had to work on my Thesis prep work along with all of the homework. This heavy workload leads to several sleepless nights. My Masonic obligations were sometimes strained, but with the help of my Brothers, I persevered.
In some ways, this was the slowest year and quickest year of my life. The spring semester was the hardest because of the large amount of homework and some decline in motivation. With the summer session, I focused on my Public Defense and polishing my Thesis. On June 13th I passed my Thesis Defense and yesterday I turned in my Thesis to the Graduate College for consideration. Once the Editor accepts my Thesis I will officially graduate in August. If I so choose I can attend the Winter Commencement that is held in December.
There are many I need to acknowledge for their advice and guidance over the last year. First to Dr. Allen for serving as Chairman of my Supervisory Committee as well as encouraging me to continue with my education after my Bachelor's degree. I would also like to thank Dr. Wampler and Dr. Touchton for serving on my Supervisory Committee and giving advice over the last year. Thanks are also given to Dr. Burkhart who I’ve known from the very beginning of my collegiate career and who encouraged me to pursue my Masters. I would also like to acknowledge my fellow students in my cohort: Anna, Evan, Sally, and Tyler. It was a whirlwind of a year and I’m glad to have gone through this journey with you all. To my family, friends, and roommates, you all gave me so much support when I needed it. And to the Almighty, I thank Him for the blessings He has bestowed upon my life.