Well, today the 47th Triennial of the General Grand Council of Cryptic Masons International met via Zoom. It was a long, but fruitful day that I spent with a close friend and Brother who also is the Junior Past Illustrious Grand Master of Idaho, General Grand Ambassador to Idaho, and Chairman of the Cryptic Jurisprudence Committee.
Among other items of business, the General Grand Council approved to issue charters for five new Grand Councils of Cryptic Masons: of Central America, Peru, Paraguay, United States of Mexico, and Venezuela; which will be constituted at a future date.
Sixteen Companions received the Columbian Award to include a Past Illustrious Grand Master of Idaho and a friend. This award takes its name from Columbia Council in New York which was an epicenter and the Mother Council of Cryptic Masonry prior to the establishment of Grand Councils and the General Grand Council. The Columbian Medal is the highest award one can receive from the General Grand Council of Cryptic Masons International. The Columbian Medal is a medal awarded to an outstanding Cryptic Mason for service to Masonry.
I'd like to congratulate Most Puissant Companion David A Grindle on presiding over a successful international meeting that was done electronically and had over 460 Masons attending. He, his officers, and his sessions committee did an amazing job. I congratulate David on his Cryptic career as a Past Illustrious Grand Master of Idaho, General Grand Recorder, and then General Grand Master. He is a very involved Freemason around the world and is in several concordant and appendant Masonic bodies. Had it not been for the restrictions in place due to COVID19, he would have installed me as Most Illustrious Grand Master of Idaho back in April. David has been a mentor for me and has been very influential in my Masonic career.
I'd like to congratulate Monty Glover on being elected the new Most Puissant General Grand Master of the General Grand Council of Cryptic Masons International. I wish the best of luck to him and all of the newly elected and appointed General Grand officers in the upcoming Triennium.
The Most Eminent Grand Master of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the USA said it best when he said that we are blessed with our current technology which allowed us to meet virtually during this pandemic which could not have occurred even 10-years ago.