Today was a great day in Masonry. We held a meeting of Idaho College of the Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis, Star Garnet Council No. 560 of the Allied Masonic Degrees, Idaho Priory No. 13 of the Knights of the York Cross of Honor, and St. Michael Conclave of the Red Cross of Constantine.
We initiated one Zelator (I°) and two Theorici (II°) at Idaho College. I am so thankful for the officers that I serve with.
We initiated two new members in Star Garnet Council and exemplified the Master of Tyre degree. Our Sovereign Master was also elected to receive the Knight Commander of the Royal Order of the Red Branch of Eri.
We had a quick business meeting for Idaho Priory and made some nominations that will be initiated at our annual meeting.
I had the pleasure of presiding over a joint meeting of St. Michael Conclave and St. Charles Conclave along with their Puissant Sovereign. We also had the Intendant General of Idaho and a Past Grand Sovereign in attendance. After the meeting, we had an excellent dinner overlooking the Snake River. Now, it’s time for bed before the long drive home in the morning.