Thursday, October 31, 2019
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Templar Biography: Guillaume de Beaujeu

The exact date of birth for Guillaume (William) de Beaujeu is a mystery; some say it was as early as 1215 AD, but this seems early as he is the son of Guichard de Beaujeu, seigneur de Montpensier, who was born around 1200 AD and Catherine d'Auvergne who was born around 1210 AD. It is likely he was born between 1225 AD and 1230 AD. This family was pretty important and had familial ties to King Louis IX of France and Charles of Anjou: Count of Provence and Forcalquier, Count of Anjou and Maine, and also the King of Sicily and Prince of Achaea.
It is said that he became a Templar around his 20th birthday. Beaujeu became Preceptor of the Province of Tripoli in 1271, Preceptor of the Province of Pouilles in 1272, and then was elected Grand Master May 13, 1273. Beaujeu was in Europe when he was elected Grand Master visiting the Preceptories. He wouldn't arrive in Acre until September 1275. During his trip to the Occident, Pope Gregory X convened the Council of Lyons in an attempt to organize a new Crusade, but the idea died when Pope Gregory did.
Jerusalem had been lost to the Frankish Kingdoms and Beaujeu was determined to preserve what property remained in Christian possession. He also had to fight to keep Templar property, even from other Christians because in 1279 Hugh III of Cyprus confiscated Templar properties on the island of Cyprus
Beaujeu entered into an agreement with the Egyptian Sultan called the "Truce of Tortosa." The peace didn't last long, particularly after some recently arrived Christians killed some Egyptian merchants and the Sultanate had changed hands. The new Sultan sends roughly 200,000 men to take the city. The defense is left to the Knights Templar, Knights Hospitallers, and the Teutonic Knights.
On May 16, 1291, the Saracen Sappers create a breach in the wall of Acre. On May 18, 1291, the Egyptians launches a massive attack. Beaujeu led the knights and stems the flood of Egyptians. During this valiant attempt, Beaujeu was hit by "darts and arrows of the enemy" whereon legend states Beaujeu dropped his sword and began to walk away. His fellow knights called after him and he responded with "I am not running away, I am dead!” raising his arm to show his mortal wound after which he collapsed and died. After a few more days of defense, the Muslims finally captured Acre and ended the Crusader occupation of the Holy Land. Guillaume de Beaujeu was succeeded by Thibaud Gaudin.
On May 16, 1291, the Saracen Sappers create a breach in the wall of Acre. On May 18, 1291, the Egyptians launches a massive attack. Beaujeu led the knights and stems the flood of Egyptians. During this valiant attempt, Beaujeu was hit by "darts and arrows of the enemy" whereon legend states Beaujeu dropped his sword and began to walk away. His fellow knights called after him and he responded with "I am not running away, I am dead!” raising his arm to show his mortal wound after which he collapsed and died. After a few more days of defense, the Muslims finally captured Acre and ended the Crusader occupation of the Holy Land. Guillaume de Beaujeu was succeeded by Thibaud Gaudin.
1. Addison, C. G. (2012). The History of the Knights Templar. Skyhorse Publishing, Inc.
2. Gourdin, T. S. (1855). Historical Sketch of the Order of Knights Templar: An Address Delivered Before the South-Carolina Encampment. Walker & Evans.
3. Rowe, D. M. (2014, July). A Chronological View of the Crusades. Retrieved from Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the USA:
4. Zolnai, A. (n.d.). Guillaume de Beaujeu. Retrieved from Project Beauceant:
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Fellowship in Southern Idaho
Last night, Twin Falls Lodge no.45 held an "Old Fashioned Festive Board" where Brothers came together for a steak dinner, and then some cigars and scotch. After the dinner, I delivered a speech on the 'Continuation Myths of the Knights Templar and Freemasonry.' The camaraderie and hospitality were wonderful and I look forward to any future Festive Board that this Lodge puts on.
Today, I attended the conferral of the Templar Orders as a venture between several Idaho Commanderies. I had the pleasure of serving as Eminent Commander for the Order of the Temple and I knighted 7 new Sir Knights, one of whom is a Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Idaho. I had an excellent degree team to include two Past Grand Commander (one of which is the current Grand Treasurer and both are Past Grand Masters), the Right Eminent Grand Commander, the Deputy Grand Commander, the Grand Senior Warden, the Grand Recorder, and the Grand Sentinel of the Grand Commandery of Idaho. Afterward, it was beer and pizza with the Deputy Grand Commander before calling it a night.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
2019 Northwest York Rite Conference

Friday morning started with introductions then went into the Royal Arch Mason session, presided over by Brad Huffman, the Most Excellent Deputy General Grand High Priest. Presentations were given by a number of Companions and then candidates running for General Grand Scribe in 2020 were given time to talk. The Cryptic Masons session was Friday afternoon and was presided over Companion Bob Farrow, Right Puissant Regional Deputy General Grand Master for the Northwest.
Saturday was dedicated to the Knights Templar and presentations were given by Sir Knight Ben Williams, Right Eminent Northwest Department Commander; Sir Knight Jeremy Vaughn, Very Eminent Deputy Grand Commander of Idaho; the Knights Templar Eye Foundation; Sir Knight Michael Johnson, Right Eminent Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Encampment; and Sir Knight David Kussman, Right Eminent Grand Generalissimo of the Grand Encampment.
Saturday evening, Intermountain Chapel No.27 of Ye Commemorative Order of St. Thomas of Acon held a quick business meeting. Afterward, the Provincial Grand Council of the Northwest Province held its annual meeting. The rest of the night I sat and chatted with the Northwest Department Commander until past midnight. It made for an early morning, but now I'm back on the road; the next few weeks will be extremely busy.
Saturday evening, Intermountain Chapel No.27 of Ye Commemorative Order of St. Thomas of Acon held a quick business meeting. Afterward, the Provincial Grand Council of the Northwest Province held its annual meeting. The rest of the night I sat and chatted with the Northwest Department Commander until past midnight. It made for an early morning, but now I'm back on the road; the next few weeks will be extremely busy.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
A Johannite Weekend
It's been quite a weekend; I spent the last few days in Oregon where I attended a Johannite Retreat at the farmhouse of a Monsignor of the Apostolic Johannite Church. Friday afternoon I arrived at the farm of a Monsignor where we prepared and held an Agape meal which was followed by some time for meditation and reflection. The Monsignor then led us in Vespers and we concluded the evening by watching a movie about Mary Magdalene.
Saturday started with Matins (morning prayer) then some breakfast. The Monsignor then led us in the Gnostic Mass of the AJC where we also remembered the Martyrdom of the Templars, the anniversary of which is Sunday, October 13th. This service also included my Baptism Sub Conditione and then I was officially received into the Oblates by taking of the vows. Baptism Sub Conditione is done just in case my prior baptism didn’t conform to the requirements of our sacramental theology of the Apostolic Johannite Church.
After lunch, we did some farm work that prepared for the campfire that was held later that night. Then there was a Theosis panel followed by another Agape meal, Vespers, meditation, and the aforementioned campfire. I left after the Theosis panel as I leave early Sunday morning.
Now, I'm at the second airport on my trip, waiting to board the plane for home.
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Officers of the Cryptic Mason's Council

The Illustrious Master presides over a Council of Royal and Select Masters (or Cryptic Masons) and represents King Solomon during the building of the Temple that immortalized his name. The honorary title of the Master and the Council is Illustrious which is rooted in the Latin word "illustris" meaning "light, bright, or brilliant" or "distinguished by greatness." The word "Master" is rooted in the Latin word "magister" meaning "chief, head, or teacher." The jewel of the Illustrious Master is a Square and a trowel within a hollow triangular medal that is suspended from a purple collar or lanyard. A sitting Illustrious Master or Past Illustrious Master qualifies to be initiated into the Order of the Silver Trowel.
The second-in-command of the Council is the Deputy Master who corresponds to the Senior Warden in the Blue Lodge; they differ in that the Deputy Master is stationed in the East on the right of the Illustrious Master. In the absence of the Illustrious Master, the Deputy presides over the Council. Per the legend, the Deputy Master represents Hiram, King of Tyre. The title of Deputy comes from the Latin "deputare" meaning to "allot or to destine" which has come to indicate a subordinate officer or one given the full power of an officer without holding the office. The jewel of the Deputy Master is a Level and a trowel within a hollow triangular medal that is suspended from a purple collar or lanyard
Corresponding to the Junior Warden in the Blue Lodge, the Principal Conductor of the Work sits to the left of the Illustrious Master in the East. Just as in the Blue Lodge, the third-in-command represents Hiram Abiff, the Chief Architect of King Solomon's Temple. It is interesting to note that while the Third Degree ceremony centers on Hiram Abiff, the candidate has very little interaction with this character while in the Cryptic Degrees Hiram Abiff plays a central role in the conferral by giving a very moving soliloquy. The title indicates the chief or most important guide for the physical labor and construction of an edifice. Principal comes from the Latin word "principalis" which translates to "first in importance or original." The word "conductor is rooted in the Latin word "conductor" meaning "one who hires or leads." Work stems from the Old English word "weorc" meaning "something done." The jewel of the Principal Conductor of the Work is a Plumb and a trowel within a hollow triangular medal that is suspended from a purple collar or lanyard.
As in the other Masonic bodies, the Treasurer and Recorder are the financial and administrative officers of the Council.
The senior appointed officer of the Council is the Captain of the Guard. This officer corresponds with the Senior Warden and Junior Deacon as he assists the Illustrious Master in the opening and closing of the Council, ensuring all present are Cryptic Masons, ensures the Council is guarded, and sits in the West of the Council. Etymologically the word "captain" comes from the Latin word "capitaneus" meaning "chief" which itself originated from the "caput" meaning "head." The word "guard" derives from "garder," an Old French word meaning "to keep, maintain, preserve, or protect." The jewel of the Captain of the Guard is an ax and a trowel within a hollow triangular medal that is suspended from a purple collar or lanyard.
Stationed in the South, is the Conductor of the Council who corresponds to the Senior Deacon and Marshal of the Blue Lodge. A conductor is a director or guide, and comes to us from Latin via Middle French from the word 'conductus' meaning "a carrier". The word "council" is rooted in the Latin word "concilium" meaning "a gathering of people." The jewel of the Conductor of the Council is two batons and a trowel within a hollow triangular medal that is suspended from a purple collar or lanyard.
Sitting to the right of the Captain of the Guard, the Steward sits as the inner guard of the Council and corresponds with the Junior Deacon of the Blue Lodge. The word "Steward" is rooted in the Old English words "stiward" and "stigweard" meaning "house guardian" and "housekeeper" which are rooted in Proto-Germanic words meaning "guards." The jewel of the Steward is two swords and a trowel within a hollow triangular medal that is suspended from a purple collar or lanyard.
Just as in the Blue Lodge, the Chaplain is charged with scriptural lessons to the candidate as well as other ritualistic duties during the conferral of degrees. Traditionally a Chaplain is a member of the clergy who is attached to a private chapel, organization, military unit, institution, or society. This title comes from Old French "chapelein" meaning "clergyman" deriving from the Medieval Latin word "cappellanus" meaning the same. The jewel of the Chaplain is an open Holy Bible and trowel within a hollow triangular medal that is suspended from a purple collar or lanyard.
The final appointed officer of the Council is the Sentinel and whose duties correspond with that of the Tyler in the Blue Lodge. The Sentinel guards the Council from without the door to ensure the Companions are not caught or taken by surprise by those wishing to cause harm or those who are not entitled to be there. The word Sentinel stems from the Latin word "sentire" meaning "to watch or perceive by the senses." The Sentinel is one who stands guard over some kind of structure, whether it be an installation, a gate, or a passage. It is their job to prevent intrusion by enemies or those unauthorized. The jewel of the Sentinel is two sabers and a trowel within a hollow triangular medal that is suspended from a purple collar or lanyard.
1. Speidel, F. G. (1978). The York Rite of Freemasonry. Raleigh: Press of Oxford Orphanage.
2. (n.d.). Retrieved from Online Etymological Dictionary:
3. Dictionary. (n.d.). Retrieved from Merriam-Webster:
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