To my family, friends, and fellow American Masons, have a Happy Thanksgiving.
Thursday, November 25, 2021
Sunday, November 14, 2021
RIP Harry Black
Harry was initiated (April 19, 1963), passed (November 22, 1963), and raised (March 26, 1964) in Oriental Lodge No.60 in Boise, ID. He would serve that Lodge as its Worshipful Master in 1970. He also had the honor of serving as the Lodge's Tyler from 1976 to 2003 (with exception of one year). Harry was also a member of Silver City Lodge No.13 where he served as Worshipful Master numerous times. He served the Grand Lodge AF&AM of Idaho as District Deputy Grand Master in 1992 and 1993. Bro. Harry then served as the Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Idaho for the 2004-2005 Masonic Year.
Harry was also a member of the Boise Valley of the Scottish Rite, the Boise York Rite, Royal Order of Scotland, El Korah Shriners, Order of the Eastern Star. Harry also worked with the Order of the DeMolay and Job's Daughters International.
Harry was one of the first Masons I ever met and was of the signers of my petition. I have so many fond memories of Harry. I remember back in 2007 and I was Senior Warden of the Lodge, he wondered if he would make it to his 50-Year Anniversary in Freemasonry as that was 7-years away at that time. I looked at him straight in the eyes and said "Harry, you're not allowed to die on me while I'm Master next year." He just laughed and said he'd try. When I came home from my second deployment to Iraq, I hadn't taken two steps into the Lodge room when Harry shot up to me, grabbed me by my shoulders, looked me up and down, and said, "Good! You're in one piece!" Then shook my hand and said, "Welcome home, Brother."
Harry was a fine ritualist, although, he did sometimes like to adlib and add in his own words, especially with the Master Mason Lecture. Harry, though, was a fountain of knowledge and if I needed a prompting, Harry was who I'd look to for a word. He served Freemasonry tirelessly and I'm going to miss him greatly.
Saturday, November 13, 2021
A Day of Templary
Today has been a long day as Sir Knights from all over Idaho came together to confer the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross, Order of Malta, and Order of the Temple upon several candidates.
I served as Warder for the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross, Eminent Prior for the Order of Malta, and Eminent Commander for the Order of the Temple.
With today's conferral, there have been 13 new Sir Knights created this year and we have more candidates in waiting that couldn't make it today.
Thursday, November 11, 2021
Happy Veteran's Day
To all of my Brothers and Sisters of the Armed Forces, past and present, I wish you all a Happy Veteran's Day. God bless all of you and God bless the United States.
A Day of Prayer
From the Right Eminent Grand Prelate of the Grand Encampment:
We are taught never to undertake any great or important task without prayer. Life itself is important, and needs prayer. Our lives together are complicated and need constant prayer. Prayer has been a central theme in the United States since before its founding. In 1775, the Continental Congress asked the colonies to pray for wisdom in forming a new nation. In 1863, President Lincoln proclaimed a day of “humiliation, fasting, and prayer.” In 1952, President and MW Brother Harry S. Truman signed a joint resolution by Congress declaring an annual National Day of Prayer. In 1988, the law was amended to set the day as the first Thursday of every May and signed by President Reagan. Each year, the President signs a proclamation, encouraging all Americans to pray on this day.
The Grand Encampment of Knights Templar, being a Christian organization, has always reinforced the centrality of prayer in our lives. We recognize the essential nature of prayer in the governance of our own lives and our interactions with the world. At a time where political divisions, natural disasters, war, famine, and pestilence are tearing away at the very fabric of society globally, it comes to people of faith to pray ever more earnestly for aid from our Sovereign God. To this end, the Grand Master has authorized us as your Grand Prelates to call for a Grand Encampment Day of Prayer to be held on November 11th, 2021. This date was chosen for two reasons. First, it is the Feast of St. Martin, the patron Saint of Chaplains. Second, it is Veteran’s Day, a day where we thank all of those who have served to defend their country. This confluence of two important remembrances on one day helps us focus our reasons for prayer even more.
We ask that all Sir Knights, wheresoever dispersed throughout the world, join us in prayer on this Day. Pray often. Pray Fervently. Pray with your hearts and minds and voices. Pray with your actions and your attitudes. Pray together and pray alone. Share this date with all of our Masonic Brethren and ask them to pray. Share the date with those not involved in Masonry and ask them to pray. Share the date with those who may not know Christ, but see the power of prayer in whatever their relationship with God might be.
Almighty God, architect of the universe who has loved us and guided us, fed us, humbled us, and healed us: We ask your blessings on our Grand Encampment, and on all organizations and groups dedicated to serving you. Bless our Grand Master, Grand Commanders, officers, and every Sir Knight and their families. Give us the strength and bravery to follow you as our forebearers did into any battle, knowing that our arms are not strong enough, but that you can strengthen our hearts sufficiently to follow you and defend the Christian faith. Make us glad to serve you in reality and truth and forgive us when we stray from you and your Word. Make us mindful of you and your authority, taking away all arrogance and hatred that infect our hearts and minds. Bless our land with justice in all its varieties. Watch over the leaders of our country and communities, and those of nations and places throughout the earth, that peace, prosperity, and freedom are seen everywhere, and your name may be glorified without fear. Inspire us to walk uprightly and with mercy in our hearts. Help us to work with integrity and show mercy to those less fortunate. Provide our families with loving hearts and open ears to hear and heal each other’s pain and fear. Let us as parents, children, siblings, friends, and neighbors be examples of your loving-kindness and mercy. Bless our teachers that they might instruct and guide our young, remembering that all knowledge comes from you. Bless all who serve you through helping others, whether in healing the mind, body, or spirit, protecting our land, feeding the hungry, communicating with one another, building the environment that keeps us safe, or any other way. Save us from violence, discord, and confusion; from pride and arrogance, and from every evil. Fill our hearts with thankfulness, kindness, and generosity. Protect us from all forms of evil and temptation, from all types of greed and lust that destroy our hearts, relationships, and lives, and from the carelessness and negligence that hurt us and others. Please, O God our Father, strengthen our trust in you. Never let that trust fail; all which we ask in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Sunday, November 7, 2021
SRICF High Council 2021
Well, another SRICF High Council is in the books. My College's Secretary and I toured distilleries on Thursday then met up with the Suffragan and had dinner at Repeal Steakhouse
Friday morning started with the procession and opening of the High Council by Most Worthy Frater, Jeffrey Nelson, IX°, KGC. After his allocution, he installed several new Chief Adepts. After lunch, the educational presentations for the day started:
Esoteric Aspects of the Cornerstone Ceremony by Right Worthy Frater Ben Williams, IX°, Chief Adept of Colorado College
Alchemy and Freemasonry by Very Worthy Frater William Schuck, VII°, Ohio College
Following a quick break, the Fratres were led in a Practicum Exercise.
Once the day's agenda was completed for the day, the Fratres wandered between three hospitality suites hosted by California College, Indiana College, and Alabama College. The Indiana College went and decorated their room with a Harry Potter theme.
Before long, it was time for the Royal Society of Knights Occidental dinner, followed by the conferring of the VIII° and IX°. Congratulations to the newly elevated Right Worthy Fratres including Frater Rick Rowe who serves as Third Ancient of Idaho College. The VIII° was conferred by the Chief Adepts of Nebraska, Alabama, and Texas while the IX° was conferred by the Most Worthy Supreme Magus. The rest of the night was spent socializing with my fellow Fratres.Saturday started with a quick bit of business, including installing a new Secretary-General and chartering new Colleges in Brazil. Once completed, the Supreme Magus turned the gavel over to the Junior Deputy Supreme Magus who is in charge of the educational presentations. Today there were four presentations for the High Council:
The Six Days of Creation by Right Worthy Frater Tuoc Pham, VIII°, California College
Esotericism in the Native American Tradition by Worthy Frater Taylor Keene, IV°, Nebraska College
An Introduction to Acoustic Alchemy by Right Worthy Frater Myron Deputat, VIII°, Secretary of New York College
Esoteric Meaning of the Widow’s Son by Right Worthy Frater Phillip R. Houtz, IX°, Chief Adept New Mexico College
The Supreme Magus then had pre-recorded messages from the Supreme Magi of Scotland, England, and Portugal. It was mentioned in the messages that Frater Joaquim Pinto Coelho, the Supreme Magus in Portugal, is retiring after 20-years. Next year is also the Sesquicentennial of the High Council in Scotland.
One last bit of business before we closed is that the Supreme Magus had to install a new Secretary-General who also received the Knight Grand Cross at the banquet later that night.
Once the festivities were done, I got a bit of sleep before I flew back home through Atlanta airport. I even got home in time to watch the last few Pledges of the Kappa Rho Chapter get initiated and become Brothers of that fraternity!