Sunday, October 20, 2024

2024 Northwest Department Conference

Another Northwest Department Conference is in the books. This year's conference was held in Spokane just off the Gonzaga University campus and along the river.

I attended the annual meeting of the Northwest Province of the Commemorative Order of St. Thomas of Acon USA on Thursday night where I remain as the Provincial Grand Treasurer for another year.

Friday was occupied with the regional meetings for the Royal Arch Chapter and Cryptic Masons Council. The current General Grand Master has revamped the Order of the Secret Vault and all recipients were reinvested with the new ceremony.

The Knights Templar session took up most of Saturday with some excellent presentations from the Grand Master on his goals for the 70th Triennium, the Membership Committee, the Knights Templar Eye Foundation, the modernization and standardization of communication (website, social media, etc.), and the Commissioned Templar Chaplain Program where we presented the jewel for completing the course to the Grand Senior Warden of Idaho. In the morning, the Most Eminent Grand Master also invested a dear friend and Sir Knight Jeremy Vaughn with the Knight Grand Cross of the Temple. Afterward, a large group of us found a tavern to have drinks and dinner in before turning in for the night.

It was a great time to see so many Companions and Sir Knights from not just around the Northwest Department, but from across the United States.

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