So I was perusing the Grand Encampment website and found the information packet sent out to members of delegates of the Grand Encampment discussing the upcoming Conclave. The Triennial Conclave will be held in Alexandria, VA, starting on the 11th through the 15th of August.
The 65th Triennial Conclave will begin with the drill competition on Saturday, August 11, 2012, followed by a “Pass in Review.” Sunday, August 12, brings the Divine service at 4:00 PM followed by the Grand Master’s reception at 6:00 PM. The business sessions will begin on Monday, morning, August 13, with the reception of distinguished guests and the Grand Commanders. The business session will continue on Tuesday, August 14, and the Grand Master’s banquet on Tuesday evening. The installation will occur on Wednesday morning.
In the information packet, you will find the Allocution of the Most Eminent Grand Master, William H. Koon, II, which covers the vision statement of the Grand Encampment "Chivalry, Christianity, Templary - A Way of Life!", the decision of the Hand Salute edict he handed down, the Knights Templar magazine, leadership training, the development of Templary outside the United States, the death and progression during the Triennium, Easter Services on the West and East Coast, the discussion of the conflict over the Rectified Scottish Rite, resignations, removals, appeals, the long-range plans of the Grand Encampment, YRIS (York Rite Information System), Knights Templar Eye Foundation, the Holy Land Pilgrimage, and the financials of the Grand Encampment.
In it, you will also find the proposed legislation which I will give a brief summary of each one. I highlighted in red which ones I thought are the most interesting.
2012-01: This proposal is for housekeeping purposes to give the members a better understanding of the rules governing Honorary Memberships. This was proposed by Sir Knight Duane L. Vaught, R.E. Grand Generalissimo.2012-02: This proposal is for housekeeping purposes to give the members a better understanding of the rules governing Life Membership. This was proposed by Sir Knight Duane L. Vaught, R.E. Grand Generalissimo.2012-03: This proposal goes along with 2012-01 & 2012-02 to clarify the dues and assessments that Commanderies may levy against its measures which may change with the approval or rejection of the first two proposals. This was proposed by Sir Knight Duane L. Vaught, R.E. Grand Generalissimo.2012-04: This proposal would remove the prohibition amendment from being used in Section 79 and the acceptance of a petitioner for the Chivalric Orders. This was proposed by Sir Knight Duane L. Vaught, R.E. Grand Generalissimo.2012-05: This proposal would clean up and integrate the existing laws and remove the outdated laws surrounding the creation of Commanderies and jurisdictions. This was proposed by Sir Knight Duane L. Vaught, R.E. Grand Generalissimo.2012-06: This proposal would also clean up the existing laws and remove the outdated, and contradictory, laws surrounding the relocation of a Commandery. This was proposed by Sir Knight Duane L. Vaught, R.E. Grand Generalissimo.2012-07: This proposal would increase the number of Department Commanders from no less than 6 and no more than 10 to no less than 6 and no more than 15. Due to the fact that Masonic Templary is spreading farther and farther outside the United States the Most Eminent Grand Master cannot be everywhere himself and the Department Commanders are too few so this would assist in the growth and development of these new Commanderies and Grand Commanderies around the world. This was proposed by Sir Knight Duane L. Vaught, R.E. Grand Generalissimo.2012-08: This proposal would integrate and clarify the laws concerning the uniforms of Grand and constituent Commanderies. This was proposed by Sir Knight Duane L. Vaught, R.E. Grand Generalissimo.2012-09: This proposal is made to allow for an appeal before one is suspended from Templary for losing membership in prerequisite affiliations (Lodge, Chapter and Council) by possible illegal or improper motives. This is proposed to prevent the Chapter and Council from any possible intimidation via threats of arbitrary suspension against the members of the Templar Order. This was proposed by Sir Knight Duane L. Vaught, R.E. Grand Generalissimo.2012-10: This proposal clarifies what constitutes appearance in public by Knights Templar and what approval is needed. This was proposed by Sir Knight Duane L. Vaught, R.E. Grand Generalissimo.2012-11: This proposal would add a section that would add a Mission Statement in the Constitution of the Grand Encampment, which would be "The preeminent mission of this fraternal organization shall be The Support and Defense of the Christian Religion". This was proposed by Sir Knight Michael H. Shively, PGC (Texas).2012-12: This proposal would add to the Constitution the rules governing "Outpost" Commanderies which are those who cannot comply with the requirements specified in the laws of a Grand Commandery, but may keep their Charter by complying with a set of rules listed in that section. This was proposed by Sir Knight Michael H. Shively, PGC (Texas).2012-13: This proposal would integrate and clean up the rules concerning the eligibility of members to the offices of the Commandery and put certain requirements before one can be elected as Eminent Commander. This was proposed by Sir Knight Michael H. Shively, PGC (Texas).2012-14: This proposal would add the KYCH Recognition Bar as a bar to be worn on the uniform, and gives the rules specifying the design, where and how to be worn. This was proposed by Sir Knight Michael H. Shively, PGC (Texas).
It will be interesting to see which ones pass and how this will change the Constitution and By-Laws of Grand and constituent Commanderies. Once I hear the news I will post on the results of this Triennial Conclave, particularly on the subject of the status of both American Rectified Scottish Rite bodies.
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