Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Virginia Research Priory No.1823

This was announced on the Masonic Society's forum:
On April 27th, 2013, Grand Commander William T. Hargrove established Virginia Research Priory No. 1823 as the first Knights Templar Research Priory in Virginia and in the United States. The purpose of this Research Priory is to perform research on the history, traditions, symbols, ritual, etc., of Chivalric Masonry in general and on Virginia Templary in particular and for its members to serve as a speaker’s bureau for Constituent Commanderies of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Virginia. Membership in Virginia Research Priory No.1823 is open to all Sir Knights who hold membership under the Grand Encampment of the United States of America.
If you would like to become a member of Virginia Research Priory No.1823, please contact any of the following Sir Knights:
Patrick Murphrey:  patrick.murphrey@gmail.com
J. Richard Rawls: Richard@Rawls.com
Paul E. Lubic, III: lubicp3@gmail.com
Peter R. Spring: prspring@me.com