With the start of the Friday session, the Grand Lodge jumped into the resolutions brought before the Grand Lodge. There were 14 resolutions brought, but only 9 allowed to come before the body electorate, but 3 were withdrawn. The most notable resolution passed was one that I put forth and, with the approval of the Grand Lodge, allows for the recognition of the Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis. Now, the Fratres can move forward to establishing an SRICF College in Idaho
Elections were also held on Friday and resulted as follows:
Most Worshipful Grand Master: Kent R. McCandlessR.W. Deputy Grand Master: Steven L. HallR.W. Senior Grand Warden: Steven O. ZimmermanR.W. Junior Grand Warden: Russ W. SmithR.W. Grand Treasurer: N. Randell "Randy" KingR.W. Grand Secretary: Monte B. BollarR.W. Grand Lecturer: Daniel Siddell
Friday night brought the Grand Lodge's Membership Banquet where District Mason and Idaho Mason of the Year awards were handed out to those worthy Brothers selected. The Grand Orator also gave his final speech before the Grand Lodge and guests.
This morning there wasn't anything left to do except declaring the 2018-2019 officers installed and to accept the Report of the Grand Orator. All things being done, the Grand Lodge was closed until our next merry meeting. Now, it's time to get back home to my family
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