In addition to myself, the Most Worshipful Grand Master, Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master, Right Worshipful Senior Grand Warden, and Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden represented Idaho.
Friday morning opened up with introductions before going into a series of presentations along with Q&A:
- Education and Entertainment Outside the Masonic Lodge
- Non Profit for Dummies
- 300-year-old Rhetoric and the Modern Mind
- It is the Grand Lodges Fault
- Social Media Etiquette for Masons
- Progressive lines vs. Campaigning for Office
- Integration of Masonic Youth Groups
Saturday morning started with a presentation by Oscar Alleyne, Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden of New York. After the keynote address, presentations were done concerning "Virtual Lodges" and preserving the history of Lodges.

This conference started off with an introduction of the Most Worthy Supreme Magus, William Howard Koon, II, IX°, KGC. Three presentations were then given:
- Frater Mike Moore, VIII°, Past Celebrant of Colorado College, gave a presentation titled "Pythagorean Music Theory and the Modern Rosicrucianism."
- Frater Kevin Townley, VIII°, Suffragan of Colorado College, gave a presentation titled "Cruciform, on the several crosses used in Rosicrucian initiation."
- Frater Ben Williams, VIII°, Celebrant of Colorado College, gave a presentation titled "Cornerstones of Tradition: Electing Times for Action."
Fratres below IX° were asked to leave while the Grade of Magus was conferred upon Ben Williams. After the conferral, the Chief Adept of Colorado then a discussion on future conferences. The Fratres then adjourned across the hall to start the Conference Banquet. After a great meal, a few of us had the obligatory glasses of scotch and fellowship.
Now the Chief Adept of Montana and I are heading to Denver International Airport for our respective flights home.
Now the Chief Adept of Montana and I are heading to Denver International Airport for our respective flights home.
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