Saturday, November 9, 2019

2019 SRICF High Council

For the past 2-days, I have been attending the Annual Meeting of the High Council of the Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis (or SRICF). This is the second High Council meeting I've attended and I enjoyed this as immensely as I did last year. Last year I attended to discuss the formation of Idaho College and now I'm here representing Idaho College along with our Chief Adept and Secretary.

Friday opened with the usual ceremony, introduction of dignitaries, and remarks. The Supreme Magus officially installed the new Chief Adepts. After lunch, there were the following presentations given:
"Operative Rosicrucian Practicum" by Right Worthy Frater Bruce Renner, IX°
"Deep Dive Into SRICF Gradework" by Right Worthy Frater Bruce Renner, IX°
"Angelic Prayers of Protection" by Right Worthy Frater David Lindez, IX°, KGC, Junior Deputy Supreme Magus
Friday night, after the Royal Society of the Knights Occidental (RSKO) banquet, I received the VIII°, or Magister Templi (Master of the Temple), and IX°, or MagusIt is an honor to be advanced to the Third Order of the Society and to have the Ninth conferred by the Supreme Magus himself with the help of the Supreme Magi of Anglia (England), Scotia (Scotland), and Lusitania (Portugal). It was moving to be one of his last acts as Supreme Magus.

Saturday morning started out with two well-done presentations:
"Alchemy & the Acacia Stone” by Right Worthy Frater P.D. Newman, VIII°, of Mississippi College
"Crosses" by Right Worthy Frater Robert Bruce Maynard, IX°, KGC, 2nd Herald of the High Council
One of the most significant outcomes of this year's High Council meeting was that Most Worthy Frater William H. Koon II retired after more than 12-years of serving as Most Worthy Supreme Magus of the Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis. While his name is sometimes remembered for some controversies in the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar, his tenure as Supreme Magus is marked with the revitalization and growth of the Society of the Rose and Cross. Most Worthy Frater Jeff Nelson was then installed and has taken over as the new Supreme Magus of the Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis. He was installed by M. W. Fr. William H. Koon II, IX°, KGC, now Junior Past Supreme Magus of the SRICF with the assistance of the Most Worthy Supreme Magi from England, Scotland, and Portugal. 

2019 has been an interesting year for Masonic Rosicrucianism as the Societas Rosicruciana in Scotia (Scotland) and Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (England) both have new Supreme Magi as well; three new Most Worthy Supreme Magi. 

With this change of leadership, we have new Senior Deputy Supreme Magus, Right Worthy Frater D. Craig McFarland; Junior Deputy Supreme Magus, Right Worthy Frater Bruce Renner; Secretary-General, Right Worthy Frater Mike Lake; Treasurer General, Right Worthy Frater Ken Hope; and a number of new Chief Adepts. Congratulations to Knight Grand Cross recipients, particularly Right Worthy Frater Thomas Nance, Chief Adept of Wyoming (Idaho's mother College).

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting and informative site
    Best wishes , and fraternal greetings from Scotland
    Steve Chalmers VI Metropolitan College, Edinburgh SRIS
    and Past Preceptor of St Anthonys Preceptory in Leith

    Bill nice to see you again in Edinburgh and previously in Perth
    Lang may yer lum reek

