Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas Observance

Today my Commandery conducted their Christmas Observance at the Boise Masonic Temple.  We had an excellent turnout and had 2 out of the 5 Grand presiding officers present to give their responses to the toasts.  They were: Jay A. Leonard, Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Idaho, and William K. Curtis, Jr., Right Eminent Grand Commander of the Knights Templar of Idaho. Companion B Dale Winch, Jr. Past Grand High Priest, was present to represent the Most Excellent Grand High Priest, John W. Zeller, Sr., Companion Johnny Willis, Grand Chaplain, was present to represent the Most Illustrious Grand Master, Arthur F. Easley; and Sir Knight Ernest I. Teter, Past Northwest Department Commander, attended to represent the current Right Eminent Department Commander of the Northwest Department, Sir Knight Mike Johnson.

David C. Triplett with some assistance from Miss Idaho Job's Daughter, Alexandra Koper, gave the Christmas Observance Address and did a fantastic job. He talked about how the story of Jesus is the greatest love story in the world.

At the close of it all, we had the Jobies from Bethel #29 (Boise) come and form their closing cross while singing us a hymn.  Excellent job Daughters.

Introduction to the Christmas Observance

The Observance of the Anniversary of the Birth of Our Blessed Savior will be celebrated on Christmas Day or a day near the Asylum of the Commandery.

It is the responsibility of the Commander to select a time and date.  All members of the Commandery will be notified and are expected to attend.

An invitation should be extended to the Most Worshipful Grand Master, the Most Excellent Grand High Priest, Most Illustrious Grand Master, and Right Eminent Grand Commander of the jurisdiction.  Each one of these together with the representative of the Most Eminent Grand Master of the Grand Encampment, Knights Templar, USA, will give responses to the toasts.

Wine should be used to give the Toasts to those 5.

A triangular table with black cloth with 12 candles, 12 chalices, a crucifix, and Holy Bible opened to the 28th Chapter of the Gospel of Matthew atop it.  The Sir Knight Junior Warden will be in charge of the Chosen Twelve during the line of march as well as the lighting of the candles and the partaking of the Toasts.

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