Sunday, September 6, 2015

The Master’s Song

Part I


ADAM, the first of humane Kind,
Created with GEOMETRY
Imprinted on his Royal Mind,
Instructed soon his Progeny
CAIN & SETH, who then improv’d
The lib’ral Science in the Art
Of Architecture, which they lov’d,
And to their Offspring did impart.


CAIN a City fair and strong
First built, and call’d it Consecrate,
From Enoch’s Name, his eldest Son,
Which all his Race did imitate:
But godly ENOCH, of Seth’s Loins,
Two Columns rais’d with mighty Skill:
And all his Family enjoins
True Colonading to fullfil.


Our Father NOAH next appear’d
A Mason too divinely taught;
And by divine Command uprear’d
The ARK, that held a goodly Fraught:
’Twas built by true Geometry,
A Piece of Architecture fine; 
Helpt by his Sons, in number THREE, 
Concurring in the grand Design.


So from the gen’ral Deluge none
Were sav’d, but Masons and their Wives;
And all Mankind from them alone
Descending, Architecture thrives;
For they, when multiply’d amain,
Fit to disperse and fill the Earth,
In SHINAR’s large & lovely Plain
To MASONRY gave second Birth.


For most of Mankind were employ’d,
To build the City and the Tow’r;
The Gen’ral Lodge was overjoy’d,
In such Effects of Masons Pow’r;
’Till vain Ambition did provoke
Their Maker to confound their Plot;
Yet tho’ with Tongues confus’d they spoke,
The learned Art they ne’er forgot.


Who can unfold the Royal Art?
Or sing its Secrets in a Song?
They’re safely kept in Masons HEART
And to the ancient Lodge belong.

[Stop here to drink the present GRAND 
MASTER’s Health.]

Part II


THUS when from BABEL they disperse 
In Colonies to distant Climes, 
All Masons true, who could rehearse 
Their Works to those of after Times; 
King NIMROD fortify’d his Realm, 
By Castles, Tow’rs, and Cities fair; 
MITZRA’M, who rul’d at Egypt’s Helm, 
Built Pyramids stupendous there.


Nor JAPHET, and his gallant Breed, 
Did less in Masonry prevail; 
Nor SHEM, and those that did succeed 
To promis’d Blessings by Entail; 
For Father ABRAM brought from UR 
Geometry, the Science good; 
Which he reveal’d, without demur, 
To all descending from his Blood.


Nay JACOB’s Race at length were taught, 
To lay aside the Shepherd’s Crook, 
To use Geometry were brought, 
Whilst under Phar’oh’s cruel Yoke, 
’Till MOSES Master-Mason rose, 
And led the HOLY LODGE from thence, 
All Masons train’d, to whom he chose, 
His curious Learning to dispense.


Inspired Men, the TENT uprear’d; 
Where the Shechinah chose to dwell, 
And Geometrick Skill appear’d: 
And when these valiant Masons fill’d 
Canaan, the learn’d PHENICIANS knew 
The Tribes of Isra’l better skill’d 
In Architecture firm and true.


For DAGON’s House in Gaza Town, 
Artfully propt by COLUMNS two; 
By SAMSON’s mighty Arms pull’d down 
On Lords Philistian, whom it slew; 
Tho’ ’twas the finest Fabrick rais’d 
By Canaan’s Sons, could not compare
With the Creator’s Temple prais’d, 
For glorious Strength and Structure fair.


But here we stop a while to toast 
Our MASTER’s Health and Wardens both; 
And warn you all to shun the Coast 
Of Samson’s Shipwrackt Fame and Troth; 
His Secrets once to WIFE disclos’d 
His Strength was fled, his Courage tam’d 
To cruel Foes he was expos’d, 
And never was a Mason nam’d.


Who can unfold the Royal Art? 
Or sing its Secrets in a Song? 
They’re safely kept in Masons HEART, 
And to the ancient Lodge belong

[Stop here to drink the Health of the Master 
and Wardens of this particular Lodge.]

Part III


We sing of MASONS ancient Fame 
When fourscore Thousand Craftsmen stood, 
Under the MASTERS of great Name 
Three Thousand and six Hundred good, 
Employ’d by SOLOMON the Sire 
And Gen’ral MASTER-MASON too; 
As HIRAM was in stately Tyre, 
Like Salem built by Masons true.


The Royal Art was then divine, 
The Craftsmen counsell’d from above, 
The Temple did all Works outshine, 
The wond’ring World did all approve, 
Ingenious Men, from every Place, 
Came to survey the glorious Pile; 
And when return’d, began to trace, 
And imitate its lofty Style


At length the GRECIANS came to know
Geometry, and learnt the Art, 
Which great PYTHAGORAS did show, 
And Glorious EUCLID did impart; 
Th’ amazing ARCHIMEDES too, 
And many other Scholars good; 
’Till ancient ROMANS did review 
The Art, and Science understood.


But when proud ASIA they had quell’d, 
And GREECE and EGYPT overcome, 
In Architecture they excell’d, 
And brought the Learning all to ROME; 
Where wise VITRUVIUS, Master prime 
Of Architects, the Art improv’d, 
In Great AUGUSTUS’ peaceful Time, 
When Arts and Artists were belov’d.


They brought the Knowledge from the East; 
And as they made the Nations yield, 
They spread it thro’ the North and West, 
And taught the World the Art to build, 
Witness their Citadels and Tow’rs. 
To fortify their Legions fine, 
Their Temples, Palaces, and Bow’rs,
That spoke the Masons GRAND DESIGN.


Thus mighty Eastern Kings, and some 
Of Abram’s Race, and Monarchs good, 
Of Egypt, Syria, Greece, and Rome, 
True Architecture understood 
No wonder then if Masons join, 
To celebrate those Mason Kings, 
With solemn Note and flowing Wine, 
Whilst ev’ry Brother jointly sings,


Who can unfold the Royal Art? 
Or sing its Secrets in a Song? 
They’re safely kept in Mason’s HEART, 
And to the ancient Lodge belong.

[Stop here to drink to the glorious Memory
of Emperors, Kings, Princes, Nobles, Gentry,
Clergy, and learned Scholars that ever
propagated the Art.]

Part IV


OH! glorious Days for Masons wise, 
O’er all the Roman Empire when 
Their Fame, resounding to the Skies, 
Proclaim’d them good and useful Men; 
For many Ages thus employ’d, 
Until the Goths with warlike Rage, 
And brutal Ignorance, destroy’d 
The Toil of many a learned Age.


But when the conqu’ring Goths were brought 
T’embrace the Christian Faith, they found 
The Folly that their Fathers wrought, 
In loss of Architecture sound. 
At length their Zeal for stately Fanes, 
And wealthy Grandeur, when at Peace, 
Made them exert their utmost Pains, 
Their Gothic Buildings to up-raise.


Thus many a sumptuous lofty Pile 
Was rais’d in every Christian Land, 
Tho’ not conform to Roman Style, 
Yet which did Reverence command: 
The King and Craft agreeing still, 
In well form’d Lodges to supply 
The mournful Want of Roman Skill 
With their new sort of Masonry.


For many Ages this prevails, 
Their Work is Architecture deem’d; 
In England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, 
The Craftsmen highly are esteem’d, 
By Kings, as Masters of the Lodge, 
By many a wealthy noble Peer, 
By Lord and Laird, by Priest and Judge, 
By all the People every where.


So Masons ancient Records tell, 
King Athelstan, of Saxon Blood, 
Gave them a Charter free to dwell 
In Lofty Lodge, with Orders good, 
Drawn from old Writings by his Son, 
Prince Edwin, General Master bright, 
Who met at York the Brethren soon, 
And to that Lodge did all recite.


Thence were their Laws and Charges fine 
In ev’ry Reign observ’d with Care, 
Of Saxon, Danish, Norman Line, 
Till British Crowns united were: 
The Monarch First of this whole Isle 
Was learned James a Mason King, W
ho first of Kings reviv’d the Style 
Of great Augustus: therefore sing.


Who can unfold the Royal Art?
Or sing its Secrets in a Song? 
They’re safely kept in Mason’s Heart, 
And to the ancient Lodge belong.

[Stop here to drink to the happy Memory of 
all the Revivers of the ancient Augustan Style.]

Part V


THUS tho’ in Italy the Art 
From Gothick Rubbish first was rais’d; 
And great Palladio did impart 
A Style by Masons justly prais’d: 
Yet here this mighty Rival Jones, 
Of British Architects the prime, 
Did build such glorious Heaps of Stones, 
As ne’er were match’d since Cæsar’s Time.


King Charles the first, a Mason too, 
With several Peers and wealthy Men, 
Employ’d him & his Craftsmen true, 
’Till wretched Civil Wars began. 
But after Peace and Crown restor’d, 
Tho’ London was in Ashes laid, 
By Masons Art and good Accord, 
A finer London rear’d its Head.


King Charles the second raised then 
The finest Column upon Earth, 
Founded St. Paul’s, that stately Fane, 
And Royal Change, with Joy and Mirth: 
But afterwards the Lodges fail’d; 
Till great Nassau the Tast reviv’d, 
Whose bright Example so prevail’d 
That ever since the Art has thriv’d.


Let other Nations boast at will, 
Great Britain now will yield to none, 
For true Geometry and Skill, 
In building Timber, Brick, and Stone; 
For Architecture of each sort, 
For curious Lodges, where we find 
The Noble and the Wise resort, 
And drink with Craftsmen true and kind.


Then let good Brethren all rejoice, 
And fill their Glass with chearful Heart, 
Let them express with grateful Voice 
The Praises of the wondrous Art; 
Let ev’ry Brother’s Health go round, 
Not Fool or Knave but Mason true, 
And let our Master’s Fame resound, 
The noble Duke of MONTAGU


Who can unfold the Royal Art? 
Or sing its Secrets in a Song? 
They’re safely kept in Mason’s Heart, 
And to the ancient Lodge belong

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