Thursday, October 4, 2018

2019 Masonic Week

Here is the tentative schedule of events for the 2019 Masonic Week that will be held from February 21st, 2019, to February 24th, 2019, at the Hyatt Regency, Crystal City near the Reagan National Airport.

Thursday, February 21st, 2019



7:30am - Trinity Chapel No.2 of the Commemorative Order of St. Thomas of Acon of the USA 
Burney W. Brandel, Worthy Master
Tom Taylor, Secretary
10:00am - Grand Council of the Commemorative Order of St. Thomas of Acon of the USA 
Joe R. Manning, Jr., Grand Master 
Matthew D. Dupee, Grand Prior 
Brandon Yarbrough, Grand Secretary
Noon - Festive Board of the Commemorative Order of St. Thomas of Acon of the USA 

1:30pm - Sovereign Order of Knights Preceptor 
David A. Grindle, Grand Preceptor 
Lawrence E. Tucker, Grand Recorder
3:00pm - Potomac Court No.107 of the Masonic Order of Athelstan 

4:15pm - Provincial Grand Court of the United States of America for the Masonic Order of Athelstan
Bryce B. Hildreth, Provincial Grand Master of the USA 
John A. Bridegroom, Provincial Grand Secretary
6:30pm - Order of Athelstan Dinner

8:00pm - Royal Ark Mariner degree of the Allied Masonic Degrees

8:30pm - Knight of Constantinople degree of the Allied Masonic Degrees

Friday, February 22nd, 2019


7:00am - Breakfast sponsored by the Convent General KYCH 

8:15am - Grand College of Rites of the USA 
D. Allen Surratt, Grand Chancellor, KGC
Gerald E. Klein, Grand Registrar
9:00am - Ladies Breakfast (no cost) 

9:00am - Allied Masonic Chair Degrees
9:00am - Installed Sovereign Master
10:15am - Installed Supreme Ruler
10:45am - Commander Noah
11:15am - Knight Commander of the Red Branch of Eri
10:30am - Society of Blue Friars 
S. Brent Morris, BF, Grand Abbot
Arturo de Hoyos, BF, Deputy Grand Abbot 
Richard E. Fletcher, Secretary General
Noon - Lunch sponsored by the Grand Council of Knight Masons, USA 

1:30pm - Grand Council of Knight Masons, USA 
William R. Miller, Great Chief
J. David Cashion, Grand Scribe
4:15pm - Grand College of America of the Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priest 
Reese Lenwood Harrison, Jr., K.G.C., G.C. Grand Preceptor 
Lawrence E. Tucker, K.G.C., K.C. Grand Registrar
John Donohoo, Preceptor, Grand Preceptor's Tabernacle "A"
6:30pm - Brotherhood Banquet 

6:30pm - The Great Priory of America of the Chevaliers Bienfasants de la Cite Sainte 

9:00pm - Ye Antient Order of Corks

Saturday, February 23rd, 2019

7:00am - All Masonic Breakfast

8:15am - Scarlet Cord Degrees of the Allied Masonic Degrees 
8:15am - First Grade (Ostiarius or Doorkeeper) 
8:45am - Second Grade (Lector) 
9:15am - Third Grade (Fellow) 
9:45am - Fourth Grade (Councillor) 
10:30am - Nine Muses Council No.13 of the Allied Masonic Degrees 

11:45am - The Philalethes Society Luncheon
R. Stephen Doan, FPS, President 
Terry L. Tilton, FPS, Secretary 
1:30pm - Grand Council of the Allied Masonic Degrees of the USA 
David Dixon Goodwin, KGC, Sovereign Grand Master 
Clyde Schoolfield, Grand Secretary
2:00pm - Ladies Afternoon Tea 

5:30pm - Social Hour 

6:30pm - All Masonic Banquet 

8:45pm - Masonic Order of the Bath
Blaine H. Simons, Most Honorable Commander-General
William G. Snyder, Keeper of the Bath Records 

Sunday, February 24th, 2019

08:30am - Washington Monument Assemblage of the Operatives, USA Region (I° to VII°) 
David C. Ladd VI°, Deputy Master Mason
09:00am - Lodge of Menatzchim V° of the Operatives (V°, VI°, & VII° only) 
Donald L. McAndrews VII°, Deputy Master Mason
10:30am - Lodge of Harodim VI° of the Operatives (VI° & VII° only) 
George R. Haynes, VII°, Senior Passed Master
Noon - Operatives Brunch (I° to VII°)
George R. Haynes, VII°, Deputy Grand Master Mason 
Alan R. Beidel, VI°, Regional Clerk

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