Well, I need to catch my breath. This has been quite a busy couple of weeks for me, Masonic and school-wise.
Thursday was the meeting of some of the appendant bodies of the York Rite. I was able to attend the annual meeting of the Order of High Priesthood and Order of the Silver Trowel. The Knights Preceptor and Knights of the York Cross of Honor also met, but I am not a member and I had plenty of other things to be doing to ensure the Grand Sessions would go as smoothly as I could make it.
Friday evening was filled with the Necrology ceremony of the Grand Council and Grand Commandery, Holy Land Pilgrimage Benefit Dinner, and York Rite College meeting. Prior to the Necrology, we heard a small speech from the Minister we sent over to the Holy Land this last March, and he seems to have had an amazing time there. The Rainbow Girls cooked and served us a great pork dinner. After all that was said and done, it was time for the York Rite College to meet. This was just a business meeting where balloted on some proposed new members and also where we held our elections. Although I was not elected to any position, I stood in as acting-Chancellor (3rd down the line) for the meeting. At the end of the meeting, the newly elected officers were then installed by the Grand Governor, Right Pre-Eminently Distinguished Brother, Ron Berto.
Saturday morning I had to attend my monthly National Guard drill, but in the afternoon I was able to attend the Grand Council meeting as an Illustrious Master. I helped the installation by assisting the Installing Grand Marshall. Then it was time for the Grand Banquet. After a few drinks from the bar, the meals came out and the Prime Rib was amazing. The banquet was MC'd by James C Herndon, Past Grand Sovereign of the United Grand Imperial Council of the Red Cross of Constantine, and he did a fantastic job. Each of the bodies handed out awards to those Companions and Sir Knights who very easily deserved them for all of their hard work. We also had a few speeches given by each of the representatives from the General Grand Chapter, General Grand Council, and Grand Encampment
I spent the rest of the week studying as today my Commandery put on the Chivalric Orders in Boise. The Sir Knights did a fantastic job. I enjoyed being the High Priest for the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross, the Marshall for the Order of Malta, and Generalissimo for the Order of the Temple.
Thursday was the meeting of some of the appendant bodies of the York Rite. I was able to attend the annual meeting of the Order of High Priesthood and Order of the Silver Trowel. The Knights Preceptor and Knights of the York Cross of Honor also met, but I am not a member and I had plenty of other things to be doing to ensure the Grand Sessions would go as smoothly as I could make it.
Friday started off with the official public opening of the Joint Sessions of the Grand York Rite Bodies of Idaho with John Zeller, Most Excellent Grand High Priest, presiding. There were a great many visiting guests from the various appendant bodies of Masonry, including one from Queensland, Australia. In the afternoon the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons met where Ron Berto was elected as the Most Excellent Grand High Priest and he appointed me as the Grand Master of the 1st Veil. We were installed shortly after.
Friday evening was filled with the Necrology ceremony of the Grand Council and Grand Commandery, Holy Land Pilgrimage Benefit Dinner, and York Rite College meeting. Prior to the Necrology, we heard a small speech from the Minister we sent over to the Holy Land this last March, and he seems to have had an amazing time there. The Rainbow Girls cooked and served us a great pork dinner. After all that was said and done, it was time for the York Rite College to meet. This was just a business meeting where balloted on some proposed new members and also where we held our elections. Although I was not elected to any position, I stood in as acting-Chancellor (3rd down the line) for the meeting. At the end of the meeting, the newly elected officers were then installed by the Grand Governor, Right Pre-Eminently Distinguished Brother, Ron Berto.
Saturday morning I had to attend my monthly National Guard drill, but in the afternoon I was able to attend the Grand Council meeting as an Illustrious Master. I helped the installation by assisting the Installing Grand Marshall. Then it was time for the Grand Banquet. After a few drinks from the bar, the meals came out and the Prime Rib was amazing. The banquet was MC'd by James C Herndon, Past Grand Sovereign of the United Grand Imperial Council of the Red Cross of Constantine, and he did a fantastic job. Each of the bodies handed out awards to those Companions and Sir Knights who very easily deserved them for all of their hard work. We also had a few speeches given by each of the representatives from the General Grand Chapter, General Grand Council, and Grand Encampment
Monday, the 16th, a mentor of mine, particularly in the York Rite, received his 50-year pin in his Lodge. Wednesday night was an eventful day as I was installed as Associate Patron for my Eastern Star Chapter.
I spent the rest of the week studying as today my Commandery put on the Chivalric Orders in Boise. The Sir Knights did a fantastic job. I enjoyed being the High Priest for the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross, the Marshall for the Order of Malta, and Generalissimo for the Order of the Temple.
After the Orders were done we were served a very nice dinner by the young men of the Treasure Valley Chapter of the Order of DeMolay. I'd also like to thank the Job's Daughter for serving us our lunch that day.
Now it's time to catch up on some homework and start studying for Finals.
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