Thursday morning started with the Order of the Silver Trowel. For this chair degree, I did my normal part of the degree as Adonijah, one of the antagonists in the ritual. Syringa Order No.121 of the Order of the Sword of Bunker Hill. It's always fun to put this degree on and I was appointed Chaplain for the ensuing year. After lunch, the Order of High Priesthood met and this was one of the few years where I've not had to take part in the degree so I was able to just be an observer. Later that afternoon, Idaho Priory No.13 of the Knights of the York Cross of Honor initiated two new Knights. Even though I'm a Past Prior I still contribute to the Priory as I give the Chapter lecture. In Idaho, our College of Honors throws a Dinner for those holding the Knight Commander of the Temple. It was announced at the Dinner that we have a new Co-Dean of the College of Honors for Idaho. Sir Knight Vaughn, current Northwest Department Commander, has been named as Co-Dean as Sir Knight Ernie Teter, Past Department Commander, passed away last August.
With Friday morning came the Public Opening and Joint Session where the Grand Commander presided. I was in charge of the introductions of all distinguished guests and visitors, but I had plenty of help from my fellow Companions and Sir Knights. After the Joint Session adjourned, the Idaho Chapter of Knights Preceptors met and conferred the order on six new Preceptors. I was later elected Seneschal for Idaho Chapter. After lunch, the 119th Annual Conclave of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Idaho convened. I stood before the Conclave and moved to formally endorse Sir Knight Jim McGee of Alabama for Right Eminent Grand Captain General of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the USA in 2024. I also had the distinct honor to be elected Grand Generalissimo for the ensuing year. After the installation of officers, I walked over to the Scottish Rite building where the Divine Services and Holy Land Pilgrimage Dinner were held. Once the dinner was completed, the Companion Knights of Tri-Valley College No.178 of the York Rite Sovereign College of North America held its annual meeting where we elected and installed a new set of officers for the ensuing year.
Saturday morning brought the 89th Annual Assembly of the Grand Council of Cryptic Masons of Idaho. I also did the Introduction of Distinguished Guests and presented the Budget for the Grand Council for 2022-2023. After lunch, it was a pleasure to attend the 114th Annual Convocation of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Idaho to watch my best friend preside. This is also the third and final Grand York Rite body for him to preside over. He did 3-years back-to-back: Most Illustrious Grand Master (2019-2020), Right Eminent Grand Commander (2020-2021), and Most Excellent Grand High Priest (2021-2022). I was also honored to help bestow the Ephraim A. Kirby Award on him during the banquet that evening. I also had the pleasure of assisting the installation of officers for the ensuing year as Installing Grand Chaplain. The new Grand High Priest and I have known each other since I was first initiated into Freemasonry and he has had a profound impact on my Masonic career. On Friday evening came the Banquet of the Grand Sessions where I served as Master of Ceremonies. In my capacity as Regional Deputy in the Royal Arch, I helped award a Distinguished Service Medal in Bronze, two Chapter Sweetheart Awards, an Ephraim A. Kirby Award, and a Grand Lady of York medal.
If all of that wasn't enough, Intermountain Chapel No.27 of the Commemorative Order of St. Thomas of Acon met Sunday morning where we initiated a new member and I was appointed as Eminent Prior for the ensuing year.
Now it's time to get home and relax for a few days. With Freemasonry and Easter, I've been able to be home for a few days without traveling on the road for work, but now my busy travel season is approaching.
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